How to Get the Most Out of Geo-Targeting in Google AdWords
Keith Hearn
??Working with local area businesses, helping them with their web, social and marketing needs.
There are two main types of businesses: local businesses as well as international businesses.
If you have a business like a web hosting company, web design agency, online marketing company, or an online store that sells products worldwide. You can advertise products or services in different countries of the world.
Let’s say that you have a business like a car repair shop, gym, fitness center, barbershop, and so on. That means that you need to advertise your business only in your location.
?? Why It’s So Important to Use Geo-Targeting in Google AdWords
In my opinion, it’s pretty easy to take advantage of the geographical targeting in Google AdWords. When I would like to show my ads in certain areas, I pick the necessary locations as well as the language in my advertising campaign’s settings. After that, Google shows my ads only in these locations. It’s pretty simple, isn’t it?
?? Using Geo-Targeting on the Google Ads Network
You’ll be able to attract different types of search traffic to your website if you choose to take advantage of geo-targeting on the Google Ads Network. You can show your ads in many different ways (by physical location, by location of interests, or by session-based matches).
?? Let’s say that you want to show your ads by physical location. In this case, your ads will be shown only to the people who use local keywords that you target and have the IP address of the area where your business is located. As a result, only people who live in your area will see your ads.
?? Prospects can be also targeted by the so-called location of interest. Relevant search queries will generate high amounts of targeted traffic to your website. However, the difference is that people will be able to see your Google ads even if they don’t live in the area where your business operates.
?? There is another type of search traffic that’s known as session-based matches. Let’s say that searchers were trying to find businesses like yours during the previous sessions. Or, maybe, a searcher is trying to find other types of products or services in the area where your business operates?
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