How to get the most out of coaching to enable transformational change.

How to get the most out of coaching to enable transformational change.

I usually provide advice and deliver coaching programs in the context of change/transformation initiatives for medium and large organizations.

Coaching can be powerful and effective to enable performance and wellbeing at scale, but its rollout has to be well-designed and considered.?

Ideally, you would aim at creating a culture of quality conversations.?

Below you can find 10 recommendations to increase benefit realization when implementing coaching programs, adapted from Anthony Grant’s paper focused on the third ‘generation’ of workplace coaching.?

1.Understand what type of coaching is needed.??

In other words, identify what the developmental needs are.?

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From Beyond Goals: Effective Strategies for Coaching and Mentoring.

Most of the time, there are misalignments in expectations and definitions across key stakeholders so start here to establish a solid foundation.?

2. Focus on sustainable high performance and wellbeing.

Use the Performance and Wellbeing Matrix below to assess where you are and map a pathway to 'Flourishing', where staff members experience high performance and high wellbeing.?

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The Performance/Well-being Matrix

3. Understand where the organization is in the coaching journey.?

Most organizations are transitioning from second to third-generation coaching as described in the following table (from Tony’s paper).?

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First, second, and third generation workplace coaching.

4. Develop a case for change.?

  • What are we trying to achieve with coaching??
  • Why is this important??
  • What’s the vision??
  • How will we know that we have been successful??
  • How does this coaching program fit with previous and current programs and activities in the organization??

5. Include the following principles (as a minimum).?

A. Voluntariness

Coaching should be voluntarily requested and not prescribed by a leader/manager.?

Coachees should have a reasonable interest, willingness, and interest in self-reflection to enable behavioral change.?

B. Confidentiality and trust

Coaching conversations should be confidential.?

Discretion is a prerequisite for openness and trust.?

C. Rapport

The chemistry and acceptance between the coach and coachee are essential to building a trustful and open relationship.?

D. Ownership and commitment

Coachees are accountable for their development and commit to the coaching process and goals.

This includes having the space and capacity to invest in the coaching process.?

6.Rollout coaching as a change program and develop a plan accordingly.?

30+ factors play a role in complex change initiatives.?

Some of these include culture, engagement, mindset, reward and recognition, and business readiness, to name a few.??

If these are not considered when rolling out the program, you will have challenges engaging key stakeholders and limited impact with the coaching initiative.?

7.Focus on simplicity.?

This is one of the characteristics listed in Tony’s paper.?

Use straightforward, practical language and models that are easy to use, learn, and apply.?

Use simple tools, have a centralized hub with resources, and set short-term goals to generate momentum and ensure adoption.?

The challenge here is to balance a solid scientific evidence-based approach with simplicity, genuine flexibility, and real-life practicality.?

8. Ensure it’s evidence-based.

As coaching develops as a profession, coaches need to begin integrating evidence from both coaching-specific research and related disciplines, their own expertise, and an understanding of the uniqueness of each client.

Solution-focused cognitive-behavioral (SFCB) coaching methodologies have been demonstrated as highly effective in many peer-reviewed randomized-controlled studies in terms of facilitating attainment, enhancing well-being and resilience, increasing solution-focused thinking and associated ‘growth mindsets’ as well as helping people deal with the challenges of organizational change.?

You can find references in the paper.

9.Go beyond the coaching process and focus on application.?

Link coaching to the initiatives that move the needle.?

In other words, create space to discuss how the learnings and shifts from coaching can be applied to solve the most complex problems in the business.?

10. Develop coaching systems for sustainability?

Creating lasting change in organizations requires going beyond specific programs and developing “systems” for change.?

Many organizations fail to do this effectively and end up losing momentum a few weeks after the coaching program is completed, not fully taking advantage of the investment and effort to uplift coaching capability.?

I hope you find this valuable and relevant.

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