How to get more online donations with 6 quick & free changes:
6 simple changes to multiply donations with just 1 hour of work:
1) Highlight contact options.
You will discover more questions and problems from potential donors, and you can improve that to get more donations.
2) Give alternatives.
If you offer different ways to help, probably more people will decide to take the next step.
3) Add trust signals.
They will not donate if they do not trust your organization. You can show testimonials, awards, and other trust elements.
4) Prioritize recurring donations.
If you focus more on recruiting members and explain the benefits properly, you will get more donors in the long term.
5) Facilitate virality.
Always ask them to share your initiatives, and you will reach more potential donors without any extra effort.
6) Perform tests.
It is impossible to get everything right the first time. You have to test different versions and compare results.
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