How to get more motivated and follow your dreams!
Jane Curtis
I help charity freelancers & consultants get clients and make more money | Mentor, Coach and Trainer | Founder of From Fundraiser to Freelancer? Course & LinkedIn Live Series | Event Specialist
For a long time I lived in my overdraft.? I earned money and I spent that money and some.? I used to joke on the first of the month that I’d just been paid and was almost in overdraft already.? Like magic.? My spending matched my income.? There was never any surplus.? No overflow.??
This carried on well into my late 30’s.? I’d use credit cards for big unexpected expenditure, experiences or impulse purchases.? I stuck my head in the sand when it came to money conversations, so admitting to this then would have been really difficult.? I just used classic avoidance and carried on spending, which gave me that instant (but short term) hit of dopamine & endorphins.??
It was only a couple of years ago when I started to dig into my money mindset (which FYI I wasn’t even aware was a thing before that), that I realised the level of my limiting beliefs.??
Ie. that I was always telling myself (and others) that I was crap with money, that I believed I would always be in debt and that was just the way it was, and that my income ceiling was what I was currently earning.? I just believed that was my lot. ?
I thought that’s all I was worth.? I tied so much meaning to what I earned. I wasn’t worth more.? Colleagues who earnt more must deserve it more.? They were working harder (I told myself), and they were better at managing their money.??
The fact I always spent more than I earnt, translated to: I couldn’t be trusted with more, because I wasn’t a good steward of that money.??
A major break through moment came when I learnt that money doesn’t mean the same thing to all of us.? We all attach different meanings to it.? What I was earning for some people is huge. But to others it isn't a lot. It's so subjective.
You could ask 10 people what something is worth and you’ll get 10 different answers.? And those answers will have nothing to do with the thing in question, and everything to do with the person’s perspective, beliefs, mindset, experiences.??
Do you know the number one thing that stopped me from being perpetually in my overdraft and finally reducing thousands of pounds of credit card debt?
I realised I wasn’t motivated (at all) by the thing that I’d lived my whole life believing eg. Saving was what "good, sensible people" did and spending and "debt was bad" … You therefore should save because that’s what someone responsible does.??
After working through my money mindset processes, I started to see it differently.??
I wanted to go on a really nice holiday.? Take my children abroad for the first time.? Live in the now.? Make some gorgeous memories that we’d never forget.? Especially in the wake of my Dad’s death and not being able to do much for 3 years thanks to Covid.? Life is short right?? And I also wanted to be in a financial position where I could make a big 5 figure donation to a charity I am deeply passionate about.
Suddenly I had goals I could get behind!? It was worth me reducing my outgoings on uber eats, coffees and my ebay addiction.? I wanted to put aside a chunk of change each month so I could pay for a lovely holiday for my family and make that big donation.? ?
And what do you know… I’ve got my debt right down (not quite all gone, but getting there…) and I have a proper savings pot for the first time in my life.? Wahooo!??
So my love,
If what you’re working towards is NOT LIGHTING YOU UP AND MOTIVATING YOU… change it!? You get to choose.??
You’ve got this!
Love always
I will take you through a number of exercises and processes in my Money Movement that will help you start to shift your current feelings about money, to a more abundant, supportive relationship. If you’re wondering about where you might be holding yourself back in life, work, purpose, earning potential…. Come and join me in The Money Movement.??
This course will completely transform your relationship with money.? It’s time you felt truly supported.? It’s your time.??