How To Get More Leads For Less Money... Using Facebook Advertising!

How To Get More Leads For Less Money... Using Facebook Advertising!

Imagine spending a fraction of what your competition does to get new leads. Picture the exclusive leads come pouring in, all from a simple marketing message.

It would be like a having a water faucet but for leads that you can turn on and off at will.

You are probably thinking… “This is too good to be true!”

But what if it good and it is true? Would you want to know more?

Are you sick and tired of paying for leads that have been sold to a million people?

What if I told you there is a way to generate exclusive leads at a fraction of the cost of traditional advertising…AND you can actually target your dream customer.

Introducing...Facebook Advertising!

And by Facebook advertising I don’t mean posting status updates and boosting your boring posts.

I’m talking about real, direct response marketing.

By using the direct response marketing tactics that have been used for years in traditional media, but adding the power of technology and social media, you can target your ideal customer.

When it comes to Facebook advertising (and marketing in general) the first thing you need to realize is that the average attention span of your audience is 9 seconds!

NINE Seconds. Not 90 seconds or 9 minutes. Nine seconds.

So do you really think that by throwing up a picture and saying call me, you are actually going to get any results?

I didn't think so...

BUT…before you can even worry about keeping their attention, you actually need to get their attention.

You need to disrupt their newsfeed so that they stop and actually pay attention to your ad.

This is what is called a Pattern Interrupt.

Your audience is scrolling through their newsfeed at 100 miles per hour, stopping only when something catches their attention.

This is why your image or video MUST be so interesting it causes them to stop.

As Gary Vaynerchuk says: “the number one thing from a business perspective that ties all of us together is quite simple – you need somebody’s attention. The currency of business is attention.”

So now you have their attention. You chose a snazzy colorful picture and now they stop to look at your ad. What’s next?

This is where your ad copy comes into play.

Your ad copy is crucial as it leads your prospective customer to your offer.

You need to identify and call out their pain and how your product or service can solve their problems.

Blair Warren, a master of persuasion said it best: “People will do anything for those who encourage their dreams, justify their failures, allay their fears, confirm their suspicions, and help them throw rocks at their enemies.”

You will also need a lead magnet to entice your audience to sign up (i.e. Free e-book, coupon for 50% off your services, Free PDF..etc).

A lead magnet (also known as bait) is an ethical way to “bribe” your lead into giving you their information. They are essentially exchanging their information for a gift of some sort.

At the end of the day though, if your offer sucks, you're most likely not going to get anyone to buy from you.

You need to be able to craft a compelling reason for your ideal customer to want to buy from you.

You need an “irresistible offer” that makes them feel like they are missing out if they don’t take advantage of your service.  

Now you think, “Well I have an awesome picture that will get their attention, I have crafted my compelling ad copy and offer, now I just need to get them to my website. There’s no way they won’t sign up for my product/service!”

Think again...

Although throwing up a website and driving leads to it might have worked in 2007, it doesn’t work great in 2017.

Again, back to the attention span of 9 seconds!

If you take your lead to your website that has your blog, your "about us", your products, and a hundred other links, does it make sense that they would get distracted by the options or worse yet, get overwhelmed and just leave?

The better route is to direct your leads to a landing page or squeeze page where the only option they have is enter their information (i.e. Name, Email, Phone number, etc.) to get your free gift.

If you want you can always direct them to your blog on the thank you page if they want to learn more about the products you offer or want to find out more about you or your company. 

This my friends is called a sales funnel.

Leads come in the funnel and you direct them in one direction…to the sale.

Now, you can continue to market the old way and spend money on magazines, newspapers, television, radio, etc…


You can learn how to leverage the power of social media, using proven direct response marketing tactics, to fill up your pipeline of clients.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions! 

Luke Shankula

P.S. If you are interested in hearing how I can help your business with Facebook Advertising, book a strategy call here.


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