How to Get More Clients... by Taking ACTION!!

How to Get More Clients... by Taking ACTION!!

If you are looking to get more clients for you and your business then before I move forward into the proven strategies we use at Marketing Republic, I want you to stop and think about this for a second.

Whatever you have done before to get the clients you have has clearly worked to a degree or I’m guessing you wouldn’t have a business.

So what is stopping you from scaling that to go and get more?

Why are you reading this blog or watching my videos?

If the answer running through your head is because you want to learn better, more effective methods to go out and get more clients then that’s good.

But…. STOP!

Yes… YOU…. Stop what you’re doing and actually let this sink in!


I have your attention I hope! ;-)

What is really stopping you from getting more clients right now… is YOU!


Sorry, the truth may hurt sometimes.

But… if you are still here you are hopefully in the tiny top percentage of people who are determined to make a difference and most importantly…

Go and Do Something About It!

You see knowledge is fact it's great!

The acquisition of knowledge is a a lifelong journey... some travel faster than others admittedly and it’s admirable to search for more knowledge and to strive to learn more and more.


On its own… Knowledge is practically worthless!!

Some say….


Well… perhaps.

But the reality is, knowledge is only power if you use it, you implement ideas, strategies, methodologies and TAKE ACTION!

Some people are perpetual students.

In fact many years ago, I knew someone who basically never seemed to leave University and gained degrees, doctorates and academically was brilliant!

But at 30 years old, that person had never had a job!

Never earned any money.

Was reliant on his fortunately relatively well off parents.

Sadly, this became the cause of serious depression.

I am not saying this is you.

But it illustrates the point that unless you act on the knowledge you acquire then you are just using up brain cells with no return!!

Execution of Knowledge Is THE Only Way YOU Will Make Progress.

Focusing on social media, building your LinkedIn network, writing more blogs, videos etc is great… of course I have written this to connect with you and to build my network.

But the biggest success I have in acquiring more customers is by implementing our OUTREACH Formula sales prospecting process daily!

In fact, it’s not me doing that.

I have built a team of skilled, dedicated and passionate people who want to make a difference to our clients and all know their roles and how they fit into my business.

I couldn’t do it without them.

My team IS the business.

Because… they IMPLEMENT a proven strategy every single day.

Consistent execution creates results.

Some results are bad.

Some are good.

It’s how you learn.

Testing, refining and re-doing is progress.

Every campaign we carry out for a client is continually going through this process.

Think about the Health and Fitness Industry.

I believe this industry is worth around $60billion per annum in the US alone….

Don’t quote me exactly….

But we all know it’s a LOT….

Almost every developed country around the world has a major health and fitness industry!

Just try googling “how to lose weight” and see the ridiculous number of results!

Videos, websites, blogs, ebooks, seminars, personal trainers, dietitians, nutritionists… need I go on?

Lets make one thing clear.

I am no expert in health and fitness… although I am a gym goer and eat a balanced diet and I’m not overweight…. They are my only qualifications here. :-)

But I would think it’s pretty clear, losing weight is pretty much as simple as eating more healthily and moving your body more!!

We have a huge problem in the Western World with obesity, especially with kids.

All the information is out there… mostly for FREE!!

People spend fortunes on books, programs, gym membership and who knows what else… but on so many instances, they never achieve their goals!

Experts in theory... but little, if any ACTION!!

Finding More Clients and Leverage

When it comes back to the point of finding more clients you have to be smart, methodical and consistent.

If you can’t do that… OUTSOURCE it to someone who can!

Don’t make excuses.

Start with deciding on what methodology you want to use.

At Marketing Republic we use a process called the OUTREACH Formula 2.0 to run campaigns for clients in multiple countries, selling high value propositions, so far we’ve reached 23 countries.

We worked with one recent client to build their pipeline from zero to over £11million in just over 2 months across Europe and the Middle East.

Our process works!

It’s not a silver bullet to instant riches.

If nobody wants your stuff and you’ve never sold anything to anyone then perhaps you need to reassess your business.

If you have proven sales success, great clients but you feel you’ve plateaued then we can help you get to the next level in your business and beyond.

Or perhaps you are growing quickly but want even more!

We do it by being consistent, relentless and by using what we’ve learned from modelling processes others have used and after thousands and thousands of hours of implementation we’ve learned and never stop learning.

Leverage our skills to fast track your success!

To discuss how we can help, without any commitment, apply for a strategy session to see what’s right for you.

We won’t be salesy with you… we want to help.

Your information is 100% confidential.

The reason for a strategy call is twofold… firstly to make sure we are a good fit for each other and to see if we can help you with some guidance that either you can takeaway and do, or if you want to, ask us to help you.

So what am I going to say next?

Well you know the message of this post is to make stuff happen by taking action!!

Yup… If you don’t want to apply for a strategy call that’s fine… but I urge you to go and DO something and make stuff happen!!!

Click HERE and request a call from one of our business development experts.

It's free, totally confidential and without any obligation!

Have a great day!

True Stefan Boyle! only what is used will produce...people, machines and knowledge....


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