- When to post? There are two windows when most engagements happen. 9-10 AM and 5-7 pm Which format? 1. Colorful images 2. Crisp text
- What does not work? Vids > 1 min or complex / long text message
- Which content type gets highest responses? Easy to process, emotional
- What to watch out for? Likes do not mean action
- What can boost attention? Tag people, add LinkedIn enabled hashtags
- What is strange? I made nearly a dozen posts on the hackathon. Many of my 1st connections did not see any of these posts. Timing, algorithm, attention span,...
- What does this mean for reach? To reach people that know you, with a msg that you are up to something new, WhatsApp and E-Mails are way better than LinkedIn. This forum is to throw the net wider, probably a future impact etc.
My target audience was members based in India. These observations are from a series of posts I made to launch and promote a hackathon. I deliberately experimented with different styles and times to learn. Isn't that what being playfully serious is all about?