How To Get Long Term Weight Loss

How To Get Long Term Weight Loss

The million-dollar question…How Do I Lose Weight and Keep It Off For Good? Something I get asked all the time. Other professionals and specialist will hit you with facts and figures about certain diets and the science behind why our bodies process foods the way they do, and therefore how it will keep weight off for life. While that has a place, to me, still isn’t going to equate to long term weight loss because it’s only part of the picture.

To get long term sustainable weight loss, you need what I call The Tripod Effect. The Tripod Effect is the understanding that a tripod will not remain upright unless all three legs are secure and standing. When talking about long term weight loss and health, the three legs are the following, in order of importance. Number 1: Mindset. If you haven’t deep dived into WHY you seem to lose and regain weight (usually around your habits, routines, and beliefs), that will always hold you back. Number 2: Nutrition. What is right for your body specifically. Number 3: Exercise. Not for fat loss, but because you enjoy it and the health benefits.?

You could have all the nutrition and fitness knowledge in the world, but if you don’t understand your habits and routines around food, including any limiting beliefs about your body and your weight loss, then long term results will not happen. This is because no matter what you are doing with your food and exercise, given enough time, you will revert to old ways.??

Here are three helpful tips around mindset for long term weight loss to keep in mind throughout your journey.??

Firstly, are?you happy with yourself, right now? Meaning do you love and accept where?you are currently in your weight loss journey? Or are you in constant resistance and wishing you could be different? Negativity rarely drives long term success. Most ladies tell me they will be happy when they are at their goal weight. I know that won’t be true.

Picture in your mind a time when you were at your goal weight. Then ask yourself ‘’Was I 100% happy at that time?’’. Chances are that you weren’t. There will always be something you are not happy with. You might be at your goal weight, but now you don’t like your legs, arms, tummy. You want to be a bit more toned. Your skin to be less saggy. You want to be a bit fitter.

That is just how we are programmed as humans; we are goal setting goal striving.??So learn to love and accept yourself as you are right now. Chances are, you are already pretty great! Giving yourself permission to love and accept yourself as you are now doesn’t mean you don’t want to change, or you’re not trying to be better, it just means you are working in harmony with your brain and body, rather than in constant resistance.?

When you are in resistance to who you?are or where we you in your journey, you create a negative feedback loop that will keep you?exactly where you are or will make things worse because you believe you are never enough.?

Secondly, rethink rewards and punishments.?Keep in mind that making healthy choices is a way of practicing self-care. Food is not a reward, and exercise is not a punishment. They are both ways of caring for your body and helping you feel your best. You deserve both. Try to think of ways to reward yourself that aren’t food or exercise eg paint your nails, take a bath, watch a film.?

And finally, forget the ‘foods are good or bad’ mentality. Somewhere along the line, we've learned to feel either proud or guilty about every food choice we make. But it's just food, and you shouldn't have to feel guilty about wanting the occasional cookie or chocolate. Give yourself permission to have a glass wine or a piece of chocolate cake. Remember, all foods fit when in moderation.?

I go into self love, acceptance, stress, energy, metabolism and all things food in my brand new 6 week Mind Body Evolution Academy that starts 14th September. More details can be found here

The replay of the Granting Your Weight Loss wish workshop I did a few weeks ago, that featured in last weeks article is still available to watch, you can catch it here - do get a pen and paper though as we went through A LOT!

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Lana Robinson

Alannah Fitness and Nutrition


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