How to Get JEE Main Exam Admit Card/ Hall Ticket?
Krishna Chandra
Senior SEO Manager - Editorji | RPSG Group | Ex-Hindustan Times | Ex-Jagran Media
NTA (Nation Testing Agency) releases the admit card of JEE Main exam 10 to 15 days prior to the exam date. JEE Main admit card is available in online mode only for those students whose application form have been successfully submitted. To download admit card, students will have to enter their login credentials- application number and date of birth (DOB). The JEE Main hall ticket is an essential document that the students must carry to the test centre. The students have to download the admit card from the NTA website. The students will appear in the exam at the given test centre on the date and shift/timing as indicated in their hall ticket. No students will be allowed to appear at the test centres, on the date and shift or time other than that allotted to their admit card.
The JEE Main exam comprises of 2 papers. The Paper1 is conducted for admission to B.E/B.Tech courses at NITs, IIITs, other CFTIs, Institutions/Universities funded/recognized by participating State Governments, as well as an eligibility test for JEE Advanced, which is conducted for admission to Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs). The paper 2 is conducted for admission to B.Arch/B.Planning courses.
JEE Main paper 1 exam is conducting 4 times this year – February/March/April/May. JEE Main Feb is conducting from 23-Feb-2021 to 26-Feb-2021 followed by JEE Main March (15-Mar-2021 to 18 Mar-2021), JEE Main April (27-Apr-2021 to 30-Apr-2021), JEE Main May (24-May-2021 to 28-May-2021). JEE Main paper 2 (2A & 2B - B. Arch & B. Planning) is being held only twice a year (February & May 2021). The exam is conducting across 329 test centres in India and abroad.
How to Download JEE Main Admit Card
Check step by step process to download the hall ticket/admit card is given below:
- Visit the official website of NTA JEE Main
- Select the option of JEE Main admit card login tab
- Enter the student’s login credentials- JEE Main application number and date of birth (DoB)
- After entering login details, your admit card will be displayed
- Download the admit card, save and take a print out of it for future purpose
- Students should keep their JEE Mains admit card safe till the final admission is over as it is required in admission processes.
If Unable to download JEE Main Hall Ticket/Admit Card
In case a student is unable to download his/her admit card, he/she should approach the NTA Helpline Number: 0120-6895200 between 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. In such case, student would appear in the exam with the already downloaded JEE Mains admit card. However, National Testing Agency (NTA) will take necessary action to make correction in the record later.
What Details mentioned in JEE Mains Admit Card
- Student’s name
- Student’s father’s name
- Gender of the Student
- Date of birth (DoB)
- Category of Students
- Student’s Photograph
- Student’s signature
- Student’s state of eligibility
- Student’s JEE Main roll number and application number
- Examination Date and time along with shift
- Examination centre
- Examination centre code or number
- Paper (Paper-1/Paper-2)
- Reporting and gate closing time
- Important instructions
What to carry along with JEE Main Hall Ticket?
- One passport size photo (same as uploaded on the application form)
- PwD certificate issued by the Competent Authority if claiming the PwD category relaxation
- Admit card along with duly filled self-declaration/ undertaking.
- Hand sanitizer
- A transparent ball point pen.
- PAN card
- Driving license
- Voter ID
- Passport
- Aadhaar Card (with the photograph)
- Aadhaar enrolment number/Ration card
Special provision for Diabetic (Sugar) students
Diabetic or Sugar students can carry the following things inside the exam hall:
- Sugar tablets
- Fruits
- Transparent water bottle
Note: Students will not be allowed to carry packaged foods such as chips/chocolate/sandwich etc.
JEE Main Hall Ticket/Admit Card - Important Points
- The admit card is not be sent by post, it is available in online only.
- In no case, the duplicate admit card would be issued at the test centres.
- Students must not mutilate the JEE Main admit card/hall ticket or change any entry made therein.
- Students are advised to safe their admit cards till the admission process is over.
- No admit card or hall ticket will be released to those students whose application forms are found to be incomplete for any reasons (including indistinct/ doubtful photo/unsigned applications) or who do not fulfil the eligibility conditions for the JEE Main exam.
- Issue of hall ticket or admit card, however, will not necessarily mean acceptance of eligibility which shall be further scrutinized at subsequent stages of JEE Main admission process.
Prohibited Items in the JEE Main Exam Centres
The following items are not allowed inside the JEE Main test centres:
- Electronic device/ gadget, Calculator
- Instrument/ Geometry/ Pencil box
- Handbag/ Purse
- Any kind of Paper/ Stationery
- Eatables/ Snacks & Tea/ Coffee/ Cold drinks/ Water (loose or packed)
- Mobile phone/ Microphone/ Earphone/ Pager
- Camera
- Tape Recorder
- Any metallic items, etc.
JEE Main Exam Pattern
JEE Main paper pattern provides for the mode in which the exam is to be conducted, the total no. of questions asked, nature of questions, etc.
JEE Main Paper 1 - Each question carries 4 marks, For every incorrect response at MCQs, 1 mark will be deducted, No negative marking for Numerical Value Based Questions.
Total number of questions - 90 (need to answer 75 questions) (Each subject will have 20 MCQs and 10 numerical questions out of which 5 is must)
JEE Main Paper 2A - Each question carries 4 marks. For every incorrect response at MCQs, 1 mark will be deducted. No negative marking for Numerical Value Based Questions. Marks in drawing test will be given as per person’s drawing skills.
Total No. of Questions - 77 Questions
JEE Main Paper 2B - Each question carries 4 marks. For every incorrect response at MCQs, 1 mark will be deducted.No negative marking for Numerical Value Based Questions. Marking Scheme for Drawing Test - 2 questions are evaluated out of 100 marks.
Total No. of Question - 100 Questions
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