How to Get High Naturally and Positively-Today!
Richard A. Conlow
Achieves Top-Tier Employee Engagement & Customer Experience Ratings | Gained 48 Service Awards with Clients | Author: The 5 Dynamics of Servant Leadership & The Superstar Leadership Model
Have you ever been high? I mean REALLY HIGH? If you ask people why they get high, they'll usually say to feel good, confident, or as if they have no problems. Did you know that you can get high naturally to achieve your life desires or goals and live the success your desire?
The Problem
Did you know it's snowing all over the world? Thousands of people are getting high--unnaturally--on cocaine or other harmful mood altering drugs that are destroying the health, happiness, and hope of those who choose to use them. The drugs are used to relieve pain and bring pleasure. But, in reality, they bring more pain.
Another choice that is devious and destructive is the daily thinking of most people. The average person thinks over 50,000 thoughts a day and most are negative. In addition, everyone is bombarded with a tsunami of negative information via social media, TV and radio. We become our own greatest enemy through our thinking and what we pay attention to most.
The Possibility
Arnold Lemerand knows what it is to get high. One day, he took his daily walk. As he passed by a construction site, he heard some children frantically screaming. He hurried to their location, where he spotted a young boy with his head pinned under a sewage pipe. If he didn't act quickly, the pipe would suffocate the boy in the sand. What could he do? Without a second thought, he did the only thing possible: he lifted the 1600 pound pipe and the boy was freed.
Later in an interview with the UPI, Arnold explained that he had had a heart attack recently and the doctor told him not to lift heavy items. The pipe was so heavy that his two teenage sons tried to lift the pipe and couldn't. How did Arnold manage to lift the pipe? He chose to act in an emergency, accessed his body's reserve potential, and lifted the pipe. He got high--naturally!
Researchers have concluded that the brain contains substances similar to cocaine, heroin, and morphine. The effects, however, are positive, not negative.
Dr. Goldstein from the Addiction Research Foundation in Stanford, California, found five key natural hormones in the brain: enhephalin, endorphin, beta-endorphin, dynorphin and adrenaline. Dr. Roger Gullemin from the Salk Institute said these "keys" are pain relievers. In other words, if people are sad, frustrated, dejected, or even physically hurt, access to these hormones can overcome the pain and create more positive responses.
In one study, a group of people received shots of these hormones. A second group was injected with a placebo. Both groups showed significant gains in belief, confidence, and faith in themselves. The researchers concluded that the simple act of fascination over frustration, belief over doubt, and confidence over fear, causes the body to create the fact. In other words, if you're feeling negative, act positively. Fake it 'til you make it!
The power of this possibility became a case study in Norman Cousins, editor of the Saturday Review. In 1964, he contracted a rare disease. His doctor predicted he'd die soon. Cousins went ahead and checked himself out of the hospital because it was only creating negative emotions. He rented a room somewhere else and every day watched Marx Brothers and Candid Camera movies, which made him laugh. The positive emotions of joy and laughter accessed his natural pain relieving hormones and healed him. No goal is too high if you truly believe.
The Potential
What are you high on? What is your state of mind or attitude? So what can you do to get high naturally, to overcome the negative attitudes and emotions that can infect your thinking and destroy your success? Try these basic but powerful actions that activate your body's natural hormones, and watch them literally get you high on life. Just acting on one positive thought (hope, optimism, enthusiasm and cheerful expectations) can change your life.
1. Masterful Self-Talk. You're mind is like a computer that acts on the input it is given. Turn up the positive volume! Turn down the negative volume when you beat yourself up. Masterful self-talk is positive and purposeful confessions about what you want or will do. Some examples of positive affirmations are:
- I am an excellent parent.
- I am healthy and trim at my ideal weight.
- I do high quality work.
- I am a good listener.
2. Mental Rehearsal--Visualize detailed positive results. In other words, make a movie or DVD in your mind of your future. Be specific and positive. Do this over and over. Think of a goal you have or an important presentation at work. Picture it in detail, happening exactly as you want it to be: sounds, sights, activities, people and emotion. Meditation is another form of this. Experience the success just the way you desire--your best expectations.
3. Moments of Truth--Think of a time when things didn't work as you'd hoped or where you would consider it a mistake or failure. We all have these moments of truth, and our memories about them are most often negative. This could be a lost sale, an argument with a spouse, or a promotion that didn't come through. Reframe the event to gain influence over it. It means changing your mind related to your thinking about the situation. Ask yourself:
- What did I do well?
- What didn't I do so well?
- What can lessons can I learn from this?
- What will I do differently or better next time?
When you do this exercise you begin to open yourself to other possibilities, not just your disappointment. Remember, there is no failure unless you quit or refuse to learn something. Sometimes our biggest obstacle is also our biggest opportunity.
4. Magical Goals--Goals work--they are almost magical. Why? It's due to clarifying your mind about what you want and then focusing on it. The human mind is created to achieve success, but it requires positive choices to excel. That's what goals are. When we do this it excites the mind, inspires you to act, and helps you become the best you can be.
The key to any of these is to consistently apply them to what you want in life. "Once in a while" won't get you the results you say you want. Diligent and determined use will seamlessly ingrain them into your thinking and way of life. The benefits will come. Psychologist William James wrote, "The greatest discovery of our generation is that people can alter the outer aspects of their lives by changing the inner attitudes of their minds."
Do you want more success in life and in achieving your goals? If so, check out this 98 page eBook roadmap to success: GoalPower: How to Increase Your Personal and Professional Success.
Want to really accelerate your career? Check out one or more of my books in the Superstar Book Series for a boost.
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8 年Beautiful , brilliant and inspirational article.
Passionate about comms & networking, mentoring to captivate attention & showcase ideas, skills, & unique talents. Unleash potential with a winning attitude!
8 年Excellent article. A positive review of so much.
8 年Wonderful article. We must think to think positively.