How to Get Health Insurance with Preexisting Conditions Revealed

How to Get Health Insurance with Preexisting Conditions Revealed

A question I am frequently asked is, "Can you provide health insurance to a person with preexisting conditions?" The answer is yes, but the health insurance plan depends on the type of pre-existing conditions.

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Think your health insurance is bad?

You probably have a bad fit, not necessarily a bad plan. I've learned health insurance plans are not BAD instead it's more likely people choose a plan that is not a good fit for their needs in the long run.?This can happen for many reasons. I rarely run across people who want the most expensive plan. If I've heard it once I've heard it 100 times "obviously I want the cheapest plan." When people purchase health insurance based on price rather than the value they can run into a bad fit. Consequently purchasing the cheapest health insurance plan without understanding how the plan works may appear to be a good deal until the benefits start being used. When I hear someone say, "My health insurance sucks! It doesn't cover anything!" that's a good indicator of a bad fit. Here are some examples using preexisting conditions.

Little known fact ACA plans are best for these serious preexisting conditions

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When an employer plan is not available and an individual has a preexisting condition such as cancer, stroke, or heart attack the best health insurance option is not a private plan but an ACA marketplace plan known as Obamacare. These types of preexisting conditions won't pass underwriting on the private market.?That means they would not be approved.?Some people think this is horrible but the private health insurance market is designed for healthy people. Ensuring healthy people is what keeps the premiums low. A plan that is a bad fit for this situation is a private plan or a short-term plan neither of which covers the preexisting condition. They are tempting because of the affordable premium and the low deductible.


The ACA Marketplace is ideal for people with serious preexisting conditions. These plans are designed for people who will have high medical costs throughout the year. With preexisting conditions like cancer, stroke, heart attack, etc. there will likely be high medical costs and the annual deductible will likely be met that's why the ACA plans are ideal for people with these kinds of preexisting conditions. ACA plans are also ideal for people who qualify for a subsidy. The aid of subsidies enables people to get very low health insurance premiums.

?The conditions found to qualify for a guaranteed issue plan

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There are preexisting conditions that won't pass underwriting on the private market such as diabetes. Nor will a person with high blood pressure that doesn't meet the height-weight requirements pass underwriting. Although these individuals won't qualify for an underwritten plan there?are private plans that are guaranteed to issue. If the preexisting condition is, for example, diabetes controlled with inexpensive medication like metformin then a guaranteed issue plan is a good option. It's also a great plan for the person who doesn't meet the height and weight requirements for an underwritten plan. With a guaranteed issue plan there is no underwriting and I'm happy to offer this PPO plan when an individual is otherwise healthy. In contrast, this plan is a bad fit for the diabetic with expensive medications and medical supplies and is probably best served with an ACA plan.

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Minor preexisting conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, hyperthyroid, anxiety, depression, etc. can pass underwriting on the private market and I can offer excellent nationwide PPO plans.

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Are you healthy, wealthy, and paying a high premium on the ACA?

Health insurance premiums on the ACA are influenced by income. In contrast, the private market premiums are based on health. That means a wealthy, healthy person on the ACA will pay a full-price premium since they do not qualify for a subsidy. On the private market, that same individual pays about half of what the ACA ?premium would be.?As a senior health insurance agent, I have learned it is always in the best interest of the client to provide a health insurance plan that fits the client's needs and budget. I'm committed to helping my clients find the best FIT. If you need someone to research your options and provide rates with recommendations then explain everything in a way that makes sense please reach out.


Lisa Ann Landry, MSM的更多文章

