How To Get Happy And Shine Your Light
Sarah Merron
Trainer & Leadership Coach - Elevating Self-Leaders of ANY age to Optimum Performance
Wondering How To Get Happy And Shine Your Lighter Personality On The World? Think Brain Chemistry!
When your Crown Chakra is in balance, your Pineal Gland is working as it should and you have the capacity to transmit and receive information from higher frequencies. What’s more, you’re connected to your intuition and you feel totally comfortable with yourself.?So, in this article, I’m going to share with you some things you may not know about this amazing pine cone in your head.?I’m going to share with you how to get happy and shine your light.?What’s more, you can project your magnetic personality on the world, just by waking up with the sun and getting outside.
Glandular Confusion – Depends Upon Your Belief System!
In fact, we’ve got some pretty amazing crystals inside our Pineal gland which allows us to shine from inside our brain!?First, let’s talk about the crown chakra.?Before we begin, there is a great deal of confusion about the glandular connection for the crown chakra and third eye chakras.?Actually, I believe this is because we require a balance between our pituitary gland and our pineal gland in order to open our third eye chakra.?So, to some degree, the pineal gland works with both chakras.?
The fact is two glands that serve to regulate overall glandular and biological function. The pituitary’s main function is to regulate body chemistry. Located between the eyes, this pea-sized gland regulates emotion and intellect and works in partnership with the pineal gland to achieve overall balance.?The cone-shaped pineal gland governs and (when necessary) inhibits pituitary gland function.
The Mark Of The Beast
In fact, the Crown Chakra associates with the central nervous system and the pineal gland, which governs our melatonin and serotonin production. Some think it is the centre of enlightenment, dynamic thought, truth and oneness.?Even more confusing, in Hinduism, the pineal gland refers to the Third Eye Chakra and our ability to connect with our intuition.?What’s more, the ‘mark of the beast’ in religious texts is shown to cover the third eye, suggesting that our disconnection from a higher self and intuition creates unwholesome behaviour. Err, okay then!
It’s interesting how often the Pineal gland features in ancient teachings and carvings from thousands of years ago.?A plethora of Egyptian carvings exist with a man holding a pine cone, representing the pineal gland. The Greeks considered it to be the “realms of thought” and Jesus referred to it as the “lamp of the body”. Descartes cited it to be “the seat of the soul.”?So the question is, what are we missing??Moreover, how have we managed to dumb-down our awareness of this little pine cone so much over the last few thousand years?
What Is The Crown Chakra?
The Crown Chakra is the seventh main chakra in the bodily system and is known in Sanskrit as “Sahasrara”.?This chakra is interesting because it represents a new beginning, a start in spiritual awakening or the ‘bridge to the cosmos’.?In other words, it’s the chakra of prayer.
The commonly accepted location of the crown chakra is at the top of the head or slightly above the head. It sits like a crown, radiating upwards, hence no great surprise it’s has its name!
When we work with this energy centre we can access states of bliss or ecstasy.?A regular check in with this energy can allow us to feel connected with the wisdom, (past, present and future) of the universe and support us in releasing limiting patterns of behaviour or beliefs.?The concept we want to challenge or heal when we work with this chakra is attachment.
Why Is Working With This Chakra A Good Idea in 2021?
It’s useful to work with this chakra over the next 12 months because the dancing of the planets in the Age of Aquarius next year is supporting all of us in unleashing our authentic selves.?The wonderful thing about when we are working in the positive on this energy centre we activate the Guru archetype.?Specifically, we learn how to take back our power from outer Gurus or teachers and step into our own wisdom.?We begin to trust what we know, feel and believe and this increases the level of confidence we have in our individuality.?We find peace and begin to shine our light on the world.
The Pineal Gland - The Torch Inside Our Brain - How To Get Happy And Shine Your Light
In 2002?this clinical research?was carried out to understand more about the calcite microcrystals in our pineal gland.?The research found “It consists of small crystals that are less than 20 microm in length and that are completely distinct from the often observed mulberry-type hydroxyapatite concretions. A special procedure was developed for isolation of the crystals from the organic matter in the pineal gland. Cubic, hexagonal, and cylindrical morphologies have been identified using scanning electron microscopy. The crystal edges were sharp whereas their surfaces were very rough. Energy dispersive spectroscopy showed that the crystals contained only the elements calcium, carbon, and oxygen.” [1]
We Are Electric – Quite Literally Shining Light!
What’s most interesting about this discovery is that floating crystals have?piezoelectric properties?[2].?Specifically, some crystals generate electrical energy when mechanical stress is applied and deform when electrical field is applied. Such behavior is called piezoelectric property.?Moreover, it is suggested that the crystals in the pineal gland have?piezochronism?[3], which is the tendency of certain materials to change colour with the application of pressure.?
Additionally, the pineal gland contains?pinealocytes?[4], which have a similar structure to the rods and cones in the retina of our eyes.?Furthermore, our pineal gland is wired to the imaging area of our brain in the same way as our eyes.?So, could this mean the pineal gland allows us to see the full colour spectrum and create and receive images from higher or different dimensions?
What Does The Pineal Gland Do?
Melatonin Disrupters
In fact, you may have even taken melatonin to support you in recovering from jet lag, to support your brain in knowing when it’s time to sleep.?I’m sure you’ve seen news articles about the negative impact of ‘blue light’ (from our television and computer screens) on our sleep patterns, and our melatonin production would explain this.?
Moreover, considering the piezoelectric properties I mentioned earlier in this article, I became curious about the impact of the WiFi networks in our homes and offices on our pineal gland.?I discovered that WiFi networks use electromagnetic frequencies which may be perceived by the pineal gland as light and reduce melatonin production.?Consequently, we have a good reason not to have WiFi in the bedroom!
If you’d like to go a step further, you might be interested to?explore this research?[6], which “classifies electromagnetic fields (EMFs) as ‘possibly carcinogenic’ to humans that might transform normal cells into cancer cells.”
Where Does Serotonin And Getting Happy Come In?
?Just as the pineal gland produces melatonin when it perceives darkness through the eyes, it produces serotonin as soon as it receives a message from our eyes that daylight is present.?That’s right, as soon as we see the light of the sun we know it’s time to be awake and happy!?Now, if that’s not a good argument for waking up with the sun and spending 30 minutes every morning outside in sunlight, I don’t know what is!?So, in effect, our happiness comes from, in part, the sun.?Although, it would be unfair on the gut not to mention that 90% of our naturally generated serotonin?is made in the digestive system.?
Actually, Serotonin always gets branded “the happy chemical” and yet it does so much more!??Serotonin is a neurotransmitter or chemical communicator that carries signals from one part of the brain to another. Moreover, It has a sizeable role in consciousness, attention, cognition, and emotion; and it also regulates many other systems throughout your body too.?Serotonin not only plays a key role in the sleep-wake cycle, it impacts bone health, sexual function, digestion and appetite, blood clotting and, of course, mood management.
In the early 2000s, scientists started to assess the role of certain neurotransmitters in different levels of consciousness, trying to establish the?neurochemistry of consciousness?[7].?Whether or not scientists are paving a path to understand the potential connection to higher dimensions or not, research has certainly increased insight into?neurodegenerative disorders, schizophrenia, mood disorders, hallucinations, mental retardation and autism.
Even more fascinating is the link discovered in?this research in 2019?[8] between serotonin and somatic illness (the experience physical discomforts for which there is no physiological explanation.)
What is Dimethyltryptamine (DMT)?
Dimethyltryptamine is a chemical substance that occurs in many plants and animals, including humans.?In fact, it’s created in our pineal gland and it’s a natural psychedelic.?Some suggest that DMT widens the area of reality that we are able to perceive.
Interestingly, DMT is one of the main psychoactive constituents in ayahuasca, the psychedelic brew traditionally made from vines and leaves of the Amazon rainforest.?What’s more, ayahuasca has increased in popularity over the last few decades with people looking to have a ‘higher level’ of spiritual experience.?Users have reported ‘psychological breakthroughs’ through an experience they perceive to be another dimension or an alternate reality.
This?research study published in November 2019?[9]assesses the impact of ayahuasca on the electrical activity in the brain.?The research revealed that “DMT significantly altered electrical activity in the brain, characterised by a marked drop off in alpha waves — the human brain’s dominant electrical rhythm when we are awake. They also found a short-lived increase in brainwaves typically associated with dreaming, namely, theta waves.
In addition to changes in the types of brainwaves, they also found that, overall, brain activity became more chaotic and less predictable — the opposite to what is seen in states of reduced consciousness, such as in deep sleep or under general anaesthesia.”
This research suggests there’s a possibility that the feeling of ecstasy we can achieve while working with the crown chakra energy centre may well result from the, albeit minuscule amounts of, DMT created in our pineal gland. Therefore, if you’re wondering how to get happy and shine your light, it seems that meditation is a reasonably fast way of doing this!
The Archetypes of The Crown Chakra
The archetypes associated with this energy centre represent the idea that success and spirituality are not mutually exclusive.?Moreover, if we treat them as such, we create imbalance.
From an archetypal perspective, we are either The Egocentric or The Guru.
The Egocentric
The Egocentric is full of self-determination and has tight control over their lives.?They tend to value material things and often find it challenging when they lose interest in the material aspects of life.?Often they can feel like a child in the world, unsure how to find meaning beyond things.
The Guru
This archetype is about looking within rather than outside for the Guru.?Actually, it’s probably the key to living successfully on this planet!?When we operate this archetype we can accept our personal limitations, trust that anything is possible and break our relationship with attachment.
A Crown Chakra In Balance
Our crown chakra rules our belief systems and our capacity for intellect. We use it when we establish a mental connection with other people and animals,?and it’s responsible for our personal values.
When the crown chakra is balanced we are released from ego driven desires, and can trust in our highest guidance.?Balance in this energy centre gives us the ability to perceive and analyse, intelligence, wisdom, spiritual connection
If you’d like to learn more about the Chakra system, please read my article “9 Things You Should Know About Chakras.“
Crown Chakra Spinning Too Fast
Blocked Crown Chakra
References: How To Get Happy And Shine Your Light
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