How to Get Great Results When Working with Clients.
Soul Anchorage - NLP & Hypnosis Experts
Experience life with passion, purpose and integrity. It's time to anchor your soul and be an anchor for others.
How to get great results when working with clients.
Now, the very first question you should ask yourself, and clients need to ask themselves is, which side of the cause-and-effect equation are you on?
Now, I see a lot of people, and I know that if you are already doing work with clients, you see a lot of people, you are dealing with lots of different people and circumstances, and even in our personal relationships, one of the major things that we deal with on a regular basis is the issue of cause and effect.
The question is, which side of the cause-and-effect equation are you on?
Which side of the cause-and-effect equation is the client on?
There are two sides of the Cause-and-Effect equation, and this is especially important to understand.
The character there means that the cause causes a certain effect. If you are on the cause side of the equation then you say, yes, I create all the effects that happen in my life. I create all the events. I create all the effects that happen.
What I am saying is, that you were in charge of how you experience all the events that happen in your life, without saying that you are to be blamed for all those events.
Bad things happen to all of us in life. And we learn through them, and we grow, and we develop and take responsibility for the creation of life - this is vastly different to blaming yourself or others.
If you are on this side where the E is, this is not a very comfortable place to be. Although, it’s more popular to be on the effect side than it is to be on the cause side.
If I am on the effect side of the equation, I am saying that everything that happens to me is because of somebody else did. Someone else did it to me, or at me – this is really important to recognise when you’re working with clients or when you are listening to someone else.
So, who is in charge of the results you produce? If you look at the effect side of the equation, you’ll have lots of reasons why you didn’t get what you wanted. Results will always be better than reasons.
As time goes by, the more time spent on the effect side of the equation, leads to increasing dissatisfaction with life. In fact, this is the most prevalent side, it’s the side that most of us, most of society is on. The effect side is very convenient, because you don’t have to do anything except point your finger outside of yourself.
The fact is that if we move the client from the effects side of the equation to the cause side equation, we are going to change that client's life. The fact is, our clients come to us on the effects side, always and our job as a practitioner, as a coach, and whether you're doing business consulting, education or therapy, your clients will come to you on the effects side. That's very clear and they'll say to you, I am at the effect of some cause, which is either inside me or outside me and here are the keywords “over which I have no control”. So, the client will come to us at the effect.
Cause and effect. So, when you're at cause and we're saying the words, you are creating your reality, your experiences, you are creating the experiences you go through. First of all, let's look at it this way. Every event, good or bad, doesn't matter. You actually have a choice. Now, there'll be people that say, but I don't have a choice. I feel angry. I feel frustrated. I feel sad. I feel depressed. I feel resentful. I don't have a choice. That's the effect side. We're saying that, yes, you do have a choice, but you don't know, or you didn't know before now that you have a choice.
So, let's define what being at cause means. When we say you are at cause, we mean that the sum total (take notes on this one, this is important). The sum total of your life experiences, your personal history, your beliefs, values, attitudes, meta programs, all the other internal filters, your experience of time, space, matter, energy, consciously and unconsciously have brought to you where you are in life. So, all your choices, based on everything I mentioned before, have put you where you are today. Now that's what we say being at cause. Now you may have created stuff unconsciously. Sure, everybody does. But you didn't know that you have a choice.
People talk about empowerment all the time. This means when you literally take control over your life.
I believe that the sum total of all of our conscious plus our unconscious choices led us to where we are today. So, I think that you as you begin to practitioner your training, I think that's a good question for all of your clients that you see and for yourself. Think of it as you begin to practice your training. I think you need to ask yourself. Am I on the cause side of the equation or the effect side of the equation?
That's the point of choice when you can really transform your life. So that's what we are talking about in NLP.
That's what we're talking about, we're talking about embracing the situation so you can get the learning, because learning is the key.
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