How to get graphics from the e-learning course publication for localization?
Natalia Vostretsova ??
Freelance | Contract | Instructional Designer (ID) | Learning Experience Designer (LXD) | E-learning Developer | Educational Technology (EdTech) | UX/UI Designer
If you work as a project manager in localization, you understand the importance of project evaluation speed. And there is often a time limit for this, and your team is busy.
How can you quickly determine how many images are in the e-learning localization project and how many will need to be localized in this case?
I'll show you two methods:
1?? So you only have a course publication.
For example:
Go to the course folder.
There will be many files and folders. You need the folder "Mobile."
Open it, and you will see a bunch of pictures with scary code names. This is all the graphics from the course.
?? However, you should never use these images to prepare for translation! It's just for quick estimation.
In this case, e-learning developer will have a difficult time finding these images in the course and changing them to localized versions.
This method is only useful for quickly estimating the cost of localizing graphics from a course.
2?? You have .story file and Articulate Storyline program.
Follow these steps:
Open the .story file.
It will open in Articulate program. Go to the View tab, then click Media Library button.
When you enter it, you will see a list of all the images in the course.
Select and export all images with text.
? You will have pictures with actual names in this case. After localization, the developer will upload images on target language to the course directly from this panel. You save a lot of time for the localization process after translation.
I hope this information will aid you in your work and help you save budget, reduce localization time, and enhance quality.
???? Hi, I am Natalia, and I help LSPs with localization as QA, DTP, e-learning developer and PM.