How to get a Golang developer job
applying for a Golang developer

How to get a Golang developer job

People are dynamic - 2+2 in mathematics is always equal to 4, but the answer can be all over the place while dealing with people - the crazy part is that they aren't necessarily wrong!

I have done plenty of interviews - as an interviewee and (as an introvert) I came across as someone who - was not "A - material " just because I wasn't chatty or wity or have the right experience level, but mostly because I didn't know how to prepare for an interview

The real world and what you learn in school, are not in the same WhatsApp group - I actually don't think they are on the same continent.

Let us take a look at what they expect of a Golang developer

  1. Technical Skills - Go Language Proficiency - like understanding idioms and paradigms, concurrency and whatnot, testing, RESTApi, etc
  2. Problem-Solving and Code Quality - code readability, error handling, design patterns
  3. Go-Specific Gotchas - like how to handle data race, how to use wait groups, etc
  4. System Design and Scalability - Designing microservices, handling large traffic loads, and building scalable systems in Go. and knowledge of cloud platforms etc.
  5. Soft skills - problem-solving, communication and Collaboration, Learning, and Adaptability

With all that said an introvert can be an expert at all those and still fail the interview "They say it is not the qualified who get the job, it is the prepared one"

This is how to get it(and not hear crickets - I hope)

First nail all the above requisitions - Technical Skills - learn Golang and share knowledge and do hackathons and watch gophercons and the like. The only way to get better at coding is to practice and keep learning.

With time you get to be a great problem solver, get go-specific gotchas, learn stuff about scalability, etc.

But how do you get to be "the one prepared"?         

But not that hard, go through YouTube videos and research how to prepare for an interview and you will discover there are tons of resources out there

They can be categorized

  1. Application level - while applying for a job
  2. Preparing for the interview
  3. The coding test.

Application level (while applying for a job)

Revise and update your LinkedIn profile - I actually use it to generate a CV - it's simple and right to the point.

A good LinkedIn profile attracts recruiters to you so, half the battle is worn.

Stop using the easy apply button and applying 100s of jobs every day- the goal is to get a job.

So apply to 5 jobs and make it all the way personal - like even though there is an easy apply button, they may have provided an email to apply to or a website,

To make it personal, apply via the company website- while there learn more about the company, on the LinkedIn company page, navigate to the people section and connect with them, and be personal not just connection without note.

Preparing for the interview

Research about the company and the role, and know who, what, and why they are hiring.

Utilize ChatGPT -

  1. Copy and paste the job description and ask it to generate like 20 possible interview questions and answers, when you are ok generate some more.
  2. Use it to generate coding tests and practice.

Be confident during the interview and take your time - don't just jump to answering the questions - besides I am fairly certain in one way or another, you already know the answers thanks to that chatGPT tour.

Remember to ask questions - showcase you know about the company and ask questions that showcase that you are indeed interested in the company.

Also, keep aligning your goals with the company's goals - especailly while answering the "Tell us about yourself" question

The coding test.

Utilize chatGPT and research all possible questions that may be asked - of course, it's impossible to know which question the coding test will be - but with practice your mind is already a problem solver (it has already connected the dots of how problems are solved like how maps are integral to most solutions).

And do just jump into answering the question take your time. Think out loud and showcase your thought process before coding. then tackle the problem.

Solve it with the goal of it functioning no matter how rudimentary the solution is. when it works you can start work on refining it. then you can test it.


Safe to say that, if you are looking for a way to be 100% sure you get the job then you are in the wrong business.

I remember doing a Golang Test code scoring 81% and still failing the interview. The point is to do your best(you are a great gopher equipped with all there is about Golang, your CV is optimal, and you handled both the interview and coding test with Grace) it is all you can do!

The rest is luck!

Good luck in your job hunt!


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