How to get every single person to view your posts

#free houses #no cash or credit 

Well, I have no idea how to do that...'but since I have  your attention...(if you're reading this, the trick worked  ;o)

Hey investors and investor-wanna be's,  if you don’t know the following people, read no further (‘unless you’re curious as to how we do what we do…and how we’ve made millions doing it without cash or credit and hardly ever leaving the house …'for thirty years now. 

Seriously…’do you know (‘or know of) someone who… 

? has an over-encumbered don’t-wanter property?  (If they’ll leave the loan in place, we’ll take over payments at a purchase price that is either the loan amount or the fair market value…’whichever is more).

? is leasing a property out with a negative cash-flow? (We don’t care about that if the loan can remain in tact…remember that our system does not violate due-on-sale clauses) 

? has  been trying to sell without success? (We’ll take it off their hands for more than full value if they’ll leave the loan in place)

? is facing foreclosure and needing to move? (We can put them in an affordable home with minimal cash outlay and no credit qualifying)
? is tired of renting someone else’s house or condo, making them wealthy without benefit for one’s self?

10,000 well-meaning “gurus” are out there still promoting “No Down—No Credit” real estate investing ( a’la Carlton Sheets and Robert Allen), among which group none have any idea how to do any of it without subterfuge and deception involving potentially expensive risks.   Neither are any of these people capable of paying a seller more  than he/she is asking, and still making big money.  Or…how about getting a positive cash-flow on a property carrying higher than normal monthly debt?

Neither do any of these “teachers” know how to legally and ethically avoid a lender’s due-on-sale admonitions; ‘how to legally acquire via by seller-accommodation while avoiding Dodd-Frank CFR&PAct (Pub.L. 111–203, H.R. 4173 i.e.,: restrictions re. owner-financing.  Ordo they know how to provide a cost offset for a lease tenant by increasing their rent and giving them full income tax deductions for mortgage interest and property tax (‘without putting them on title).  They will also not know how to hold a property in what is tantamount to a long-term escrow, in order to safely give home ownership benefits to a tenant-buyer while avoiding untoward or illegal actions that could  negatively affect the property, the trust and/ or any other party in the transaction. 

Well…WE know how to do all of that, and we’ve done it every day for thirty years now…’without a failure in any circumstance or jurisdiction (‘local, state or federal).

What we do for investors, buyers, sellers and Realtors? is a different but wholly legitimate form of Owner-Carry (Seller-Assisted) acquisition, disposition and financing…’offering a fresh, safer, more logical, protective  and virtually risk-free  manner of real estate acquisition and management.

To avoid the all too frequent risks inherent in seller-carry real estate acquisition, we advocate the professional placement of one’s real estate into a Chicago Title-type real estate holding trust, whereupon all parties thereafter need deal only with private interests in the trust, versus title-ownership in real estate (‘i.e., ‘not totally unlike holding an asset in a private safe-deposit box away from public view by any who would post a threat to the asset or its owner).

In the ?Equity Holding Trust Transfer?… aka: the “EHT?), beneficiaries are afforded the same real estate ownership benefits they would receive, were they to have gone through loan qualification and made a big down payment, plus the time-consuming escrow, title review and insurance underwriting processes (‘none of which are mandatory in an EHTransfer?). 

An often overlooked but major benefit of the  EHTI? is the right to simple eviction to remove a defaulting tenant-buyer, versus foreclosure, ejectment and quiet title actions (‘during which processes the defaulting party is typically aided (‘for free) by an attorney licensed to extort the innocent party (the “landlord”) by way of running up the legal bill and pressing for an “out-of-court settlement” in order to stop the escalating cash and time drain.  

Regarding our transfer system, many of our thousands of past clients have asked:

? Is this like a Lease Purchase? Yes, 'can be structured as such…but a far safer and a more logical way to do it, with many more benefits and protections

? Is this like a Lease Option? Yes, can be structured as such …but a far safer and a more logical way to do it, and with many more benefits and protections

? Is this like a Land Sale Contract (CFD)? Yes, can be structured as such …but a safer and far more logical way to do it, with many more protections and benefits

? Is this like a Rent-to-Own? Yes, can be structured as such … but a far safer and a more logical way to do it with many more benefits (a “rental tenant” can even access full active income tax deductions for the term of the agreement)

? Is this like a Straight Lease, Yes, can be structured as such …if you wish…’but one in which the tenant-buyer can actually take full tax write-off for mortgage interest and property tax? Yes!

? Is this like an Equity Share? Yes, can be structured as such …but a far safer and a more logical way to do the same thing  with many more benefits

? Is this like incorporating the property and selling stock in the corporation? Yes, but with far more advantages including income tax deductions

? Is this like a long term escrow wherein a third-party Escrow Officer is charged with holding ownership until the transaction is complete, and bound to responds only to the express direction of all parties acting in concert?  Yes!

? Is this similar to a Trust Deed arrangement? I.e., wherein the lender has the borrower place the property in trust with a third party trustee (‘usually a title company appointed to initiate, and be in charge of, eviction and foreclosure should such become necessary).  In this “trust arrangement” the Grantor is the property’s owner-of-record.  The Directing Beneficiary is the Lender…who, by means of the trust, is securing its loan and simplifying any potential foreclosure process? 

The trustee for the trust that is the foundation for the Equity Holding Transfer?, is a non-profit charitable corporation holding title and shielding the property from those who would threaten litigation or be seeking information about the property, the trust or the beneficiaries,

This type of real estate transfer provides any acquiring party 100% of all benefits of home ownership (IRS Rev. Rul. #92-105)...'without need for any specific down-payment, loan qualifying or particular credit parameters...i.e., so long as the relinquishing party (“seller”) approve the candidate and the amount to be paid into a refundable Contingency Fund (for potential late payments or minor repairs). 

Anytime I hear a Realtor(r) comment that the RE market is good enough that innovative financing is not needed, I smile a little (‘ok, a lot) and think of the spoiled rich kid who says: “No I won’t do that for a dollar…’because I already have a dollar!  Whereas the poor child says, “You betchur xxx!  For a buck I’ll hog-tackle my grandma!”  

Think about it…’at this point in time thousands of folks are ready to spend “some” money for a nicer home, but are stopped by credit problems.  Learn to work with them, and  you can rule the world!  (Well...maybe not the whole world).  ‘Then, know that there are thousands of vacant and over-encumbered properties out there whose owners can’t get rid of them, but in which these same disenfranchised renters would love to live (‘if only the down payments and qualifying issues could be side-stepped)?

Bill Gatten
Equity Holding Corp.
800 409 3444.
[email protected]

Beware of copy cats and goofy looking people with zits and/or carbuncles.

Bill Gatten

#1 trainer for those with a NEED for financial independence. 'Hoping & praying won't do it! Action will!

8 年

For those who bothered to read the post and respond...I love you! For all the rest...'want some love? Well then, go back and read the post...'iy's long but complete...and sooo comforting...assuming if you care a hoot or damn about easy money and financial freedom and security. Like Reply

Frank Grealish

Teacher Lynn, MA Public Schools

8 年

As always Bill, Well said, well done!

Michael Wasneuski

Real Estate Investor at

8 年

Like the info Bill. Will look into that for some of my strategies thanks



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