How to get Endless Content Ideas for your Posts?
Finding content ideas is a very common struggle with online marketers using social media!
I know I always wonder what to post next and I’ve used many different tactics to find content ideas.
Recently though, I found this new way to find content ideas that was staring me right in the face!
Pretty crazy and quite easy to use I tell ya!
Why would you need content ideas?
I guess we start with clarifying the reason why online marketers need content ideas.
It might be obvious to you, but if it’s not, read on, otherwise feel free to skip to the juicy parts below.
To start with, an as online marketer, your number 1 goal is the same no matter what your offer is.
To get sales, right? I mean, sure, you have to care about people and all that good stuff because you’re not gonna get any sales if you don’t, but still, you want sales.
It would be so easy if we had the millions to spend on ads but we don’t, at least I don’t, so we need to post content regularly.
Why is most important about your content choice?
This content must be interesting to your audience because the social platform will not even share it if no one engages on it.
That’s just how it works. You post, 1 or 2 people engage and platform shares it to find others to engage.
Doesn’t matte how good you think it is, it all has to do with getting engagement.
Without initial engagement, your content will go nowhere and no one will see it.
So, you must choose content that your audience is interested in, which is why you need to know who your audience is.
What are other ways to find content ideas?
Over the last 5 years, I ‘ve learned lots of ways to find content ideas.
You start by deciding who your audience is, what they like and don’t like and get ideas from that.
Then, you look at what others are doing in your market space and get ideas from their content.
Next, you can look at your content from the past that did well and get ideas from that.
But, your missing out on one of the best places to find new content ideas!
What’s the best place to find new content ideas?
Mind maps!
What are mind maps? They are visual representations of the concepts in a particular piece of content, like a course or a book.
You might be think that’s great but I can’t invest in all the course I’d need to buy to find all those mind maps!
Well, you’re in luck – it will cost you almost nothing, just like it did me!
What if I told you that you can get access to 1000s of mind maps for next to nothing?
Where’s best place to find Mind Maps?
If you can find 1 single mind map that is about a course that your audience would be interested in, you can easily get dozens of great content ideas.
What if you had access to 1000s of them? Sure, not all would be interesting to your audience, but plenty would.
The place to find those 1000s of mind maps is in a?PLR? site – a?Private Label Rights ?web site.
There are tons of those and you can look them up, but the one I use has a lifetime license for a ridiculous price!
Get your access at ?and forget about ever running out of content ideas!
What is a Private Label Right site?
Before moving on, let me explain what a?PLR or Private Label Right ?site is.
Basically, they publish new content every month that you can use, resell or even white label and resell.
The content varies from one site to the other but...