How to get connected ..........!!!!!
Private Banking Entrepreneur,MMS Investments Private Lender's Network (PLN) Consists of Individuals Investors,IRA'S , I AM AN INVESTOR
"You can't choose family, but you can choose friends!" Anonymous .This is indeed true.
This is now the time to take that to the heart. Make the choice today to start surrounding yourself with remarkable friends who help your life to the level of energy and potential you know it has.
The proven and bestway to do this is to make some tough choices about whom to spend your time with from now on. It's tough but it's worth it.
Let's face it, many of our friends in our lives do not add to the quality of our desired direction. It's a profound fact though it sounds horribly judgmental and selfish.
There are Battery chargers, the Battery Drainers and those with no charge : the Neutrals. To live a better life we need to get rid of the two and remain with the Chargers.This activity meets so much indecision and resistance and brings temporary discomfort.
Let's begin by writing down all your friends and then categorise them in three groups:
Old friends, Maintenance friends and Growth friends.
From now on Old friends will remain where they belong in the past. Maintenance friends are the relationship you will now maintain for the rest of your life. Those are the ones you have appreciated in your life and still want to keep up with from time to time.
Growth friends are those you talk to at least once a month,if not more. They are supremely important to your Mental Health and Spiritual Energy in Life. These are the people who become your closest confidants.
Obviously friendships are about quality not quantity and connection needed to amp up your life. This is not Exorcism or an Excommunication. Offending or brushing off, or dumping old friends.
Thus be a supremely loving human being and you will find and feel love. If you want real friendship , be Passionately interested friend who brings novelty,joy, caring ,adventure and closeness to others.
If you sow with effort on focus and consistency to have deep, caring and fully engaged relationship with those around you,You will reap the Harvest of Charged Friends with Joy for the Life you deserve!!!! Go get it .........!!!!