How to get coaching costs into the development budget?

How to get coaching costs into the development budget?

What is the difference between coaching and training?

Do they have the same value?

Is the outcome equally beneficial??

Let's compare the two in the same time setting...

How much will you remember a week after this one-hour classical approach leadership?training?

Probably a fact or two. A quote. Maybe a chart with data. Or maybe you left empty-handed and an hour wasted.?

What about one hour of leadership coaching? The same amount of time. How much do you remember a week later?

Perhaps no facts or data, but you still remember that deep reflection that led to insights. Personal approach to your challenges. You end up being more self-aware, having a clear plan of proceeding, and taking responsibility.

One hour can make a huge difference. And yet, companies prefer to spend money on facts and quotes, rather than understanding and responsibility.

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How to get the decision-makers to understand the value of coaching instead of just routinely spending on training?


