In part one of this article, I shared ways to get started with LinkedIn in order to attract clients. Read Part #1, if you haven't done do yet...
Here are the next four vital components of your LinkedIn marketing process to increase the chances of connecting with your ideal clients.
One of the most important aspects of your LinkedIn profile is the list of positions you’ve held over the years, including your current job/business. This list is especially important if you’re using LinkedIn to find new clients, different clients, reconnect with past or get new network.
Potential clients or colleagues will be interested to know your history, skills you offer, and how that impacted the lives of your clients. Past clients or colleagues will be able to find you easily on LinkedIn, through the job or services they knew you for, if listed on your profile. Therefore, it’s critical to make sure you have all the positions posted on your profile with the correct information, as long as that fits with the image you want to portray to the professional and or business community you want to network with.
It is strongly recommended that you add any voluntary positions occupied in the past. This is particularly important if it has a direct correlation with your current business.
After you document your past and current jobs, it’s time to move on to the next part of your LinkedIn profile: education. After all, besides your place of work, where else are you going to meet and stay in touch with so many people? At school, of course! Your Education section says a lot about you, especially to potential clients and network.
Some people ask how much education to list on their profiles. Although you could theoretically go all the way back to preschool or kindergarten, most people start with high school or undergraduate college. This is up to you, but keep in mind that as a business owner, your earlier education is sometimes irrelevant to your current skills and services you provide for clients.
It is important to note that this section isn’t limited to high school, undergraduate, and post-graduate education. It is essential to include a list of any vocational education, certification courses, and any other stint at an educational institution that matters to your potential clients and network.
When you’re ready to update or add your education information, follow these steps:
Hover your mouse over the Profile link in the top navigation bar, then click Edit Profile from the drop-down list that appears.
To network with others and your potential clients on LinkedIn, you need to send them a LinkedIn connect request. They will then decide to accept your request as a part of their network. As LinkedIn itself says, connections are “members who connected on LinkedIn because they know and trust each other.” This way, you’re both able to see each other’s posts, job updates and anniversaries, photos, public and private shares on your LinkedIn homepage.
You can also easily send messages to your connections and vice versa. When you accept someone’s invitation to connect, you become their 1st-degree connections. Their LinkedIn connections then become your 2nd-degree connections, and your connections becomes their 2nd-degree connections.
To increase the chances of your request being accepted, it is a good idea to send a message alongside the connect request.
By Personalising the Invitations to Connect, people are able to know a bit more about you and why you want to connect with them. Adding a personalized message to the recipient to introduce yourself or add context to your relationship, warm them up to accept your request.
To add a message to an invitation:
1. Navigate to the profile of the member you'd like to connect with.
2. Click the Connect button located in the introduction section.
3. Click Add a note.
4. Add your personalized message in the text field.
5. Click Send invitation.
If the recipient replies to your message, it will appear in your messages.
Once you get to connect with people, you need to send post regularly to engage with your connects. There are various things to share in your post, but it should add value to your network. Examples are articles, information about your industry, plus solutions you bring to clients.
To send a post, navigate near the top of the page, find where it says "Start a Post" located next to an icon of a pencil to a notepad. Click it. If you have a photo, video, or document you want to share, you can click the corresponding icons at this step, or the next.
Begin typing your post — you can include a link by pasting it inside the post, or a photo, video, or document by clicking the icons at the bottom.
Once you are finished composing your post, click the dropdown menu at the top where it says "Anyone" — this will take you to the settings where you can decide who sees your post. Do bear in mind that as a business owner, it is useful to allow ‘anyone’ to see your post. If you are satisfied with the sharing settings, tap "Post" at the bottom right-hand corner. See the image below.
Hope this will help you customise and complete the information required of you to become visible on LinkedIn and network with potential clients.
I will love to read your comment or what you’ll like to read next.
Beatrice x
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Helping ambitious entrepreneurs & full time business coaches escape the trap of growing their business whilst sacrificing time & life. Working on the elements of delivery, sales & high quality daily lead flows.
2 个月Beatrice, thanks for sharing, always good to see some insights from people who have viewed my profile or are connected to me.