How To Get Clear Of Your Business identity

How To Get Clear Of Your Business identity

When you’re in the transition period from being the tradie in charge of everything to growing your business, there are a lot of things you need to change about your mindset. It doesn’t serve you to see yourself as one of the boys anymore. You need to change your mindset to that of a leader or boss.

If you want to build a good business it can really help to build a new business identity or to be clear about what that business identity is if it’s already working well.?

So what is a business identity?

Well, put simply, It’s how you see yourself.?

It’s how you want to act. It’s how you want your clients and your team to see you. There’s no right answer to what that is but it helps to get it clear in your mind.?

Now to begin getting a clear image of what it is; think about what behaviours you would want people to see from you.?

Would you want to be punctual, reliable, unflappable, respectful, in control, a leader, someone to look up to??

And what would you have to do to make that happen? You might turn up to all your meetings on time. You might set good boundaries with your clients and your team – following your agreed processes. You might guide others to do rather than you doing it yourself.?

Your?behaviours?are a reflection of who you are or who you see yourself as. If you want to make your business successful you have to see yourself as the person who can make your business better.

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Jon likes helping business owners and especially owners of trades businesses. Life can be a bit frustrating when you run a business and a trade business can be even more so.

If you're a tradie and you've got successful then you probably feel like your life is not your own, that you are always making sure everyone else is OK before you and you never get everything done. You probably work too many hours each week and take your work home with you and you probably don't make as much money as you should.

Jon reckons this stuff is fixable and that you can fix it by making some fairly simple changes to the way you do things. He should know, he's been helping people do it for a long time and he's seen the same changes work time after time. He lives in Byron Bay because he likes it and he doesn't surf because he says it's too hard but he likes beer and food very much indeed. He's written for various magazines and newspapers in his time. Mostly because they think he must know something if he's survived this long. His children disagree.

cited from?SMH, Money Magazine?


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