How to get a Certificate of Origin for export in India? A Step-By-Step guide
In the intricate landscape of international trade, the "Certificate of Origin" stands as a critical document, playing a pivotal role in the smooth flow of goods across borders. Whether you are a seasoned exporter or delving into the world of e-commerce, understanding the nuances of the Certificate of Origin is indispensable. This comprehensive guide will explore the essential pointers that exporters, especially those in the e-commerce realm, should consider when dealing with the Certificate of Origin.?
What is the Certificate of Origin??
Before delving into the specific considerations, let's establish a foundational understanding of the Certificate of Origin. This document serves as a declaration by the exporter, affirming the origin of the goods being shipped. It plays a crucial role in determining applicable tariffs, ensuring compliance with trade agreements, and, ultimately, facilitating the smooth passage of goods through customs.?
Who issues the Certificate of Origin??
The Certificate of Origin is issued by The Directorate General of Foreign Trade, Department of Commerce. Applications for the same are accepted through the Common Digital Platform for Issuance of Certificates of Origin portal, which is the common digital platform for issuance of the Certificate of Origin. The steps to apply for the certificate are as follows:?
How to apply for the Certificate of Origin??
For New Users:??
1] Visit the Common Digital Platform for Issuance of Certificates of Origin portal and proceed to Registration.??
2] Enter 10-digit IEC code and proceed (Users must remember to insert Digital Signature device before registering)?
3] Fill in the Exporter Online Registration form and complete the registration process.?
For more information, visit DGFT Manual?
For Registered Users:?
1] Login on the Common Digital Platform for Issuance of Certificates of Origin portal.?
2] Click on “Apply for CoO”?
3] Fill in the online application for the acceptance of Certification of Origin?
4] Upload relevant commercial documents?
5] Submit the application using DSC, and proceed to payment?
6] After successful application submission, the user will receive an alert in the form of email and SMS?
For more information, visit DGFT Manual?
How to navigate the Certificate of Origin Template??
1. Accurate Product Description:?
2. Harmonized System (HS) Code:?
3. Country of Origin Rules:?
4. Authorized Signatory:?
5. Digital Certificates:?
6. Consistency Across Documents:?
7. Documentary Evidence:?
8. Customs Regulations:?
9. Trade Agreements:?
10. Continuous Education and Compliance:?
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)??
1. Can I make my own Certificate of Origin???
No. Only exporters can produce a Certificate of Origin.??? Contact relevant government bodies (DGFT in India) for??????? more information on the same.??
2. How much does a Certificate of Origin cost in India????
The estimated cost of obtaining a Coo may vary from sector to sector in the range given below:??
Chemical EXIM products?
Pharmaceutical EXIM products?
Engineering Machinery EXIM products?
Textile EXIM products?
3. Are different Certificate of Origins required by your importers to avail different concessions???
Yes. Your importer will usually tell you the type of Certificate of Origin required by him.? They may require a Preferential/Non-preferential Certificate of Origin.?
4. Which countries do not accept a Non-Preferential Certificate of Origin for Indian EXIM products???
5. Can any Chamber of Commerce and Industry/ Association issue the Certificate of Origins????
In India, the Certificate of Origin can be issued by the Chambers of Commerce, Export Promotion Councils, and various Trade Associations/Councils authorized by the Government. Additionally, the Indian Chemical Council, the apex national body representing all sectors of the Chemical Industry in India, is also authorized by the Government to issue the Certificate of Origin (Non-Preferential) to exporters.?
Nitisara Value Chain Platform will help in navigating the complexities of global exports which require meticulous attention to detail, especially when it comes to the Certificate of Origin. By staying informed through Nitisara Platform and Blogs, exporters can enhance the efficiency of their international shipping processes and build a foundation for successful global trade.?
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