How To Get The Best Results When Internet Dating For Over- 60’s.

How To Get The Best Results When Internet Dating For Over- 60’s.

Boomer Dating is a big thing these days. Now that the kids are launched, career aspirations have been achieved, and the freedom of retirement is looming ahead, finding a life partner to share the “golden years” becomes more of a priority.? And they are jumping online to meet their next love with great enthusiasm!? As it turns out, most of my boomer clients met their partners through an online dating site (over a span of 20 years!). So why are the over-60’s going on the internet for dating?? Because, just like Gen X, Y & Z, they know that it’s a targeted way to meet eligible singles looking for committed relationships.? It saves them time and is a convenient way to weed through undesirable candidates online, via phone, or Zoom before taking the time to meet face-to-face.? And what works for most younger people online, mostly applies to those boomers dating online as well.??

So here’s how to get the best results when internet dating for those who are over 60.

  1. Be honest and direct about what you’re looking for in a life partner. Time is very important to Boomers who are dating.? And for those over-60s who are internet dating, having a profile that honestly reflects who you are, will put you on top of the list!? People don’t want to waste time with people who don’t know what they want.? And if you can share your dreams and desires, then you’ll attract the right person who aligns with those dreams.? Also, sharing your most cherished values will also attract the right person.? And if it’s not a fit, boomers who are dating will move on to another person who is a better fit.? Here compatibility is also considered when deciding who to connect with and who to move on from. ?
  2. Put your best foot forward ..This is just as important for those who are internet dating over 60 as it is for those in their 30s! Don’t share your dirty laundry.? Share what’s wonderful about yourself without seeming cocky.? Express your desires in a positive way and not in a disparaging way.? Remove from your profile, demanding language like “must be” or “must have”. Using positive language like “I really like it when” will gain your profile more attention and attract the right person.
  3. Your photos matter. Taking professional photos is a must for internet dating over 60. A professional photographer knows how to show you off from the best angles. Also, pay attention to how you dress for your photos, keep it classy. I had a client in her early 70’s who was normally very casual and low-key in her attire.? However, for her profile photo, she chose a flattering red dress, with simple makeup and her hair styled.? Her picture, and subsequently her profile, got lots of attention and she did meet her partner because he saw that picture.? It was window dressing and it piqued his interest to learn more about her.? So for boomers dating online, I highly recommend getting professional photos as well as some “lifestyle” photos to show other sides of your personality!? However, make sure they add to your profile and what you are looking for in a partner rather than detract from it.
  4. Share your life vision to make sure you’re in sync. Many over-60s singles who are internet dating are making changes in their lives be it from work to retirement, starting a new career, or moving to a new town, state, or country. ? If your potential partner wants to live in one part of the country and you don’t, that’s a big issue.? That is why boomers need to share their life vision sooner rather than later when dating.? One of my 60-something clients wanted to retire and move to Florida.? Her partner lived in another city and was still involved with high school kids.? He wasn’t in a position to move or retire.? So, although they really liked one another, the relationship couldn’t sustain itself in the long run.? That is why it’s important to share your life vision so you’re both moving in the same direction. If the two ideals don’t align, one person has to be willing to make changes for the other person.
  5. Beware of scammers! They are lurking online and they love the vulnerable Boomers dating online and looking for love.? They know what to say and how to enmesh themselves into your lives.? For the savvy over-60s dating on the internet, know that you never give your social security number and important bank information to anyone.? And never send money!? I know very intelligent men and women who were scammed out of money from online dating.? I don’t want to scare you by sharing this with you.? I just want you to be aware that this is going on and set your radar on it.? And have a plan for when it happens. ? Most likely you’ll attract a scammer or two!? For more on what to look out for, read 12 Tips for Online Dating to Keep You Safe from Scammers on my blog.
  6. Don’t be pen pals. I recommend doing a video chat before meeting in person. Some people online just want connection- they enjoy the messaging and knowing someone is there to respond.? They may have no intention to move the mode of communication to a video chat and then an in-person meeting.? If you’re stuck in messaging, the boomer dater needs to set boundaries around the timing of these activities. Tell them that you appreciate the chat but that you’re looking for a “real” in-person relationship.? Tell them, “Either let’s move to the next stage or I wish you good luck!”? I don’t recommend messaging the same person for more than 2 weeks (unless they have a valid reason for not moving the conversation to a face-to-face activity such as a vacation or a family emergency).?
  7. Give a nice person a chance. This is what I recommend, whether you’re internet dating over 60 or younger.? You never know how things can develop.? And most of us over 60, don’t look like our fit, 25-year-old selves.? We have bumps and bruises.? Our hair may be white or missing! We may be a couple of pounds heavier.? We have aches and pains.? However, this doesn’t mean that you can’t be a loving, caring partner.? And you have your wit and humor, as well as your curiosity and knowledge, to share with another person. When dating as a boomer, you can still show up as a vibrant, fun person.? So my motto is, “Give a nice person a chance”.? People can grow on you as you get to know them.? And you may be pleasantly surprised!

There you have it.nbsp; My 7 ways to get the best results when internet dating for over-60’s.nbsp; And if you’re under 60, most of this applies to you too!

We are heading into one of the busiest times for online dating, after New Year’s!? So I’m working intensely with my clients to get their profiles revised and adjusted for the New Year Dating opportunities.? It takes at least 2 months of coaching to be able to properly review and edit a profile to the high standards I have for my clients. This usually includes taking new photos too.? You see, over 80% of my successfully coupled clients have met online AFTER my help with their profiles and improving their photos. (I had a previous business more than 20 years ago called Amy’s Eye for Style as an image consultant and a clothing boutique owner before that!)? If you’re ready to meet the one, then let’s talk now!? I can only help a small number of people who are dedicated to the Motivated to Marry Dating Secrets coaching methodology.? If meeting your life partner is a top priority in your life right now, then I hope to hear from you.


Amy Schoen, MBA, CPCC, PCC的更多文章