How to Get the Best Results from Your Marketing Campaigns

How to Get the Best Results from Your Marketing Campaigns

There are many ways to Market your Business from Google to Blogging, Emailing, Print and Radio to Advertorials, but resources are thin and you are not sure where you will get the most bang for buck.

The best advice we can give is that it no one approach will get you the results you are after, but rather a combination of many will yield long term results, but with one key understanding in mind….

Brand Consistency across all the channels.

What is meant by Cross-Channel?

One message, many Marketing Channels, it is that simple.

Everything has the same look and feel, the same core messages and is spread out between all channels that the business has chosen to use, such as Social Media, Magazine Print, Flyers and even Brand Activations (Yes, those people dressed up in a mall or on a street corner, wearing your brand bright colors and promoting your products).

Customer Connection

In a combined or integrated marketing approach, we make sure that we always keep our prospective customers front of mind. Where do your customers like to connect with you? Where do they hang out? What Radio Station do they listen to? Where are they likely to come across your Brand?

When designing a new Campaign, it’s a good idea to ask your current Customers these kinds of questions.

Also, your existing Customers are very powerful Brand Advocates who will promote your Brand on to friends and Family. Marketing does not end when the Customer is in hand.

What Channels to Use?

Fact is, every Marketing Channel performs differently, the all have their pro’s and con’s, and the function of a well-designed Integrated Marketing Strategy is to leverage off of the individual channels strengths and weakness, and fill in the gaps to create a streamlined customer experience.

For e.g.) Social Media Marketing is great for Brand Awareness and Customer Service, though it is less likely to bring in a new client, unless you provide a very targeted service that has high demand.

Email Marketing is a worthy medium, when used properly to build brand interest, a well-timed newsletter, or promotion goes a long way in converting interested prospects to paying customers, something that you won’t get from using Twitter.

SEO and Google Ads are powerful a powerful medium for bringing in website traffic, but are of no use if they are not correctly designed around well laid out landing pages with actionable content. It’s one thing to get a prospect to click and another to get them to call you. In this case a well thought out user friendly website would be of valuable.


For those who don’t have big budgets to spend on Mass Media. An important aspect of Marketing is also Word of Mouth, we have all had the experience where we tell our friends, did you see that ad in that magazine? Or we have forwarded a promotion.

There is a natural flow to campaigns, but what they require is consistency and time to stick. Running a 2-week campaign will not get as much traction as running a 3-month Campaign.

To summarize, there is no quick route to bringing in new customers, rather it is a combination of a number of marketing tactics, across a number of marketing channels, over a reasonable amount of time that that will bring in results.

The most important component of an integrated marketing strategy is the fact that customers want and expect a consistent experience across all of their interactions with your Brand. Whether they find you on Facebook, on Google or see you in a print ad, they want consistency. Applying an effective integrated marketing strategy will get you to deliver upon this


For more information on an Integrated Marketing Plan Contact Brand Moon



