How to Get Backlinks as a New?Blogger

(Updated 10–7–2022)

Can new bloggers get backlinks?

Many pro bloggers claim getting links is impossible for beginner bloggers. I used to adhere to this theory but have since changed my stance.

New bloggers can and do score backlinks from reputable bloggers. However, these select few master the concept of reciprocity early during their blogging careers.

Changing your new blogger mindset in terms of getting backlinks may feel highly uncomfortable. Most seem to fall prey to a strong “getting mechanism” that undercuts the backlink acquiring process. However, if you patiently, persistently and generously shift from trying to get links toward giving value you can and will score backlinks as a beginner blogger.

For the purposes of this post, new bloggers are bloggers who’ve published content for at least 2–4 months.

Why Backlinks Are Important

Backlinks serve as seals of approval from fellow bloggers.

Any blogger who links to your blog sees your domain and posts as being credible enough to earn a link.

Gaining backlinks increases your blog exposure. Other bloggers and their readers see your blog through link mentions via their blog posts. Traffic and profit potential increases as your backlinks increase.

Google factors backlinks into its algorithm. Gaining a link from a high authority site related to your niche makes your blog more trustworthy from Google’s perspective. However, getting backlinks from credible bloggers is not an easy task for a new blogger. Few beginners get links within the first few months of blogging because working many hours blogging the right way from a generous energy feels too uncomfortable a task for most.

Backlink Experience

60,000 plus backlinks currently point to Blogging From Paradise based on one backlink checker. Some bloggers linked to this blog during its formative days in 2014 but only because I’d been blogging for 6 years prior. Backlinks seemed hard to come by during my new blogger days because I skipped each step listed below.

Bloggers link to skilled bloggers who publish thorough content. Put in the work over a sustained time frame during your beginner blogger days to become skilled enough to score links.

Follow these tips to get backlinks as a new blogger.

Accept this Basic?Idea

Bloggers give you backlinks pointing to your blog because these bloggers get in-depth, detailed, helpful blog content from your blog.

New bloggers need to blog the right way generously, patiently and persistently to publish detailed, in-depth content worthy of drawing backlink attention. Few beginner bloggers get backlinks because they do not give:

enough to both publish dazzling content and to build a strong blogger friend network.

Get links by publishing in-depth content. Help fellow bloggers. Ask for nothing in return. Earn their friendship.

Eventually, bloggers will link to your blog posts based on the immense value you publish combined with the loyalty of your blogger friend network.

Fully Understand and Employ the Concept of Reciprocity

Get backlinks as a new blogger by giving freely of your:

Naturally, no first day blogger gets backlinks because no first day blogger has time, talents and skills enough to warrant gaining backlinks. Bloggers link to trusted bloggers. Becoming a trusted blogger takes generous service multiplied by time.

However, new bloggers a month or two into their blogging career can gain backlinks but only by being 100% committed to blogging the right way diligently for a sustained stretch of time. For example, if you follow the below tips for 4–8 hours daily for 2 months straight you may become skilled, connected and trusted enough to get a backlink from a respected blogger. Few bloggers get linked to within their first 2 months because few spend 4 or more hours daily doing the right things from a generous energy.

Step into the concept of reciprocity. Get by giving. Get links by giving substantial time and energy to blogging correctly from day 1 of your blogging career. The only way a new blogger with 2–4 months of experience gets backlinks is by spending 100’s of hours blogging the right way from a generous energy. If you spend a few hours here and there blogging the right way from a generous energy or blog the wrong way or blog from a stingy energy you cannot get backlinks.

Be all in from day 1. Take this important step to gain links and to position yourself to succeed online.

Be all in from day 1. Take this important step to gain links and to position yourself to succeed online. Click To Tweet

Focus your attention and energy on this core concept: the more freely you give in terms of helping people the more easily you will succeed.

Beginner bloggers get backlinks months into their blogging careers because this crowd freely gives of their time and talents from day 1.

Improve Your Writing through?Practice

Bloggers link to skilled writers.

Practice writing 500–1000 words daily offline to become a clear, confident writer worthy of gaining backlinks.

Beginner bloggers fully committed to polishing their writing skills through daily practice can get backlinks within a few months of beginning to blog. But newbies better practice writing for many hours during those months to gain credibility in the eyes of fellow bloggers.

No reputable blogger offers links like candy to a baby. All links from respected bloggers are earned. Earn links by practicing your writing. Hone your prime craft. Find a quiet room. Open a Word document. Write diligently on a daily basis. Blogging becomes easier for beginners who polish their writing skills. Seasoned bloggers take note of mindful writers to gain confidence through their patient practice.

Practical Tips

  • practice writing 500–1000 words daily
  • open a Word document to write offline
  • write about either your blogging niche topic or any interest appealing to your mind; write about anything to simply gain confidence and clarity

Publish In-Depth Content Persistently

Publish in-depth content to score backlinks as a beginner blogger.

Thin content won’t cut it because pros and other veterans link to thorough, detailed valued resources to maintain their credibility.

Publish 1500 word or longer blog posts rich with:

  • details
  • practical, actionable tips
  • easy to understand strategies
  • simple techniques to put into practice

to catch the eye of bloggers keen on finding valued blog posts.

Avoid hurrying to publish thin content just to publish a post within a specified time frame. Create content to provide readers with a thorough resource. Most beginner bloggers fear publishing in-depth content for any number of reasons. Suffering through writer’s block, fearing that folks will not read your blog anyway and blanket fears concerning wasting time scare new bloggers into publishing short form, thin content. But thin content does not generate backlinks. Robust content draws links based on the merit of the post itself.

Relax your beginner blogger mind. Frame blogging as a journey of blog post quality over blog post quantity. Any new blogger who practices writing offline on a daily basis can write and publish a 1500 word blog post. Everything depends on your willingness to make a strong impact by being thorough versus trying to satisfy a publishing schedule with short-form content.

Publishing 1500 word or longer posts appeals to:

  • readers hungry for rich resources
  • bloggers from your niche on the lookout for resources to link to
  • Google

because detailed long-form content offers readers and search engines alike a strong solution to some pressing problem. However, make sure to create long posts brimming with relevant details to provide readers with practical tips versus weak filler. Newbies sometimes bloat blog posts with low quality content simply to satisfy an imagined word count. Aim to publish a rich array of tips through 1500 words versus trying to write 1500 words with bloated content festering with non-essential, fatty filler.

Format blog posts effectively. Use short, crisp sentences to connect with readers. Include frequent paragraphs and ample header usage to make for easier reading and scanning. Employ:

to create a sense of contrast about your blog posts.

As for blog post frequency, intend to publish one long-form post every few weeks. Do a smash-up job with your first blog post then give yourself 1–2 weeks to write your 2nd in-depth, detailed blog posts.

Getting backlinks is not easy because creating detailed content challenges new bloggers. But slowing down your mind reveals that anyone who can write a thin 600 word post can write a rich 1500 word post with writing practice, patience and a willingness to publish thorough content.

Take your time to publish a hefty, detailed blog post each time you write for your blog. Bloggers tend to link to in-depth resources. Patiently publish thorough content to gain backlinks as a new blogger.

Engage in Genuine Blogger?Outreach

Engage in a genuine blogger outreach campaign to gain exposure.

Connect with pro bloggers in your niche. Build friendships. Pop up on the radar screen of pro bloggers. Be seen. Position yourself to gain backlinks from impressed bloggers who value your content and friendship.

Blogger outreach executed from an authentic intent bonds you with fellow bloggers. People who appreciate your service and interest take an interest in you and your blog. Interested bloggers click through to your blog to learn more. From there, backlink opportunities multiply.

Blogger outreach executed from an authentic intent bonds you with fellow bloggers. Click To Tweet

Never depend on Google alone for exposure as a new blogger. Fickle algorithms including a bias towards aged domains with strong authority makes gaining Google traffic highly challenging for beginners bloggers. Working an honest outreach campaign gives you exposure in like-minded blogging circles. One genuine blog comment published on a top blog from your niche gives you visibility. Bloggers and their readers see your name, link and valuable comment. Potential backlink opportunities sprout organically from your generous networking efforts.

Practical Tips

  • publish genuine comments on blogs from your niche
  • promote bloggers on your blog by linking to their helpful, thorough blog posts
  • promote bloggers on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn

Help bloggers without any expectation of receiving anything in return. Allow bonds to form naturally. Bloggers who gradually befriend you may link to your blog through their site for an organic backlink. Or perhaps these individuals promote you through social media to increase your exposure and boost your chances of gaining a backlink through their blogger buddy network.

Be patient. New bloggers usually make the mistake of being impatient with their blogger outreach campaign. Never rush the relationship-building process. See how easily trusting, loyal blogging friends link to skilled bloggers who patiently bonded with them by doing blogger outreach the right way.

Being a patient networker creates backlink opportunities for even new bloggers. As long as you publish in-depth content and help bloggers from your niche without asking for anything in return you will get backlinks based on your blog content and blogging friend network.

Guest Post on Blogs from Your?Niche

Guest post on blogs from your niche.

Increase blog backlinks by gaining exposure in front of communities other than your own.

Video: How to Find Guest Posting Opportunities

Guest blog on respected blogs from within your niche to target your campaign. Be seen by readers highly interested in what you have to offer. Gain backlinks directly through your author resource box in addition to getting links from impressed bloggers who follow these blogs.

Guest blogging is a leveraging agent through trusted sites. Be seen and boost credibility by guest posting on trusted blogs from your niche.

Publish detailed content solving pressing reader problems. Help people generously. Gain links by being of service in front of large, loyal blogging communities.

Guest Blogging Guide

If you need help with how to guest post check out this helpful guide:

How to Submit a Guest Post

Join Blogging?Tribes

Actively help fellow bloggers through various blogging tribes.

Allow tribe members to amplify your blogging reach.

Gain blog backlinks by boosting your visibility through tribes.

Tribes expand your presence exponentially. Being seen in a wide range of spots online increases the chances of site owners linking to your blog.

Consider these blogging tribes:

Be an active participant. Promote fellow bloggers freely. Build strong relationships by commenting genuinely on tribe mate’s blogs.

Bloggers who value your content freely share your blog posts through tribes on:

Gaining blogging exposure via tribe members through these sites boosts your backlinks.


New bloggers score backlinks by following simple tips patiently and persistently.

Be generous. Trust in a proven blogging process.

Commit fully to practicing your writing, creating content and building genuine friendships to gain backlinks from bloggers who appreciate your devotion to your blogging craft.

Your Turn

How do you get backlinks?

Are you having a tough time getting backlinks as a new blogger?

What tips can you add to this list?

Originally published at on October 7, 2022.


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