How Get All The Money There Is To Get Right Now When Selling IT Services And Support

How Get All The Money There Is To Get Right Now When Selling IT Services And Support

   As Mike Tyson famously said, “Everyone has a plan...until they get punched in them mouth.”  Right now, EVERYONE is getting punched in the mouth, then kicked in the gut and then set on fire – and how the next few months and this year will go for YOU depends largely on how you RESPOND to it.

    For me, I’m considering this a giant reset button and opportunity to refocus on the fundamentals and deepen my resolve. Yes, my business is taking a serious sucker punch – but I WILL get off the mat stronger. In that spirit, let me give you four money-getting fundamentals to get refocused on right NOW if you're an MSP or IT services firm.

 Fundamental #1: PROSPECTING. As Zig oft said, “Nothing happens in business until somebody sells something.” Yet how many days/weeks/months go by in most businesses where ZERO prospecting or selling is done, often SALES PREVENTION happening with more regularity? Doing the operational aspects of your business and the actual IT work is comfortable– but pointless and unprofitable unless you can find a person willing to give you sufficient money to do it. If you want a resolution, how about forcing a quota on YOU for prospecting and selling, every day, every week, every month? Even a one-man-band can easily prospect a minimum of 25 new companies a week; and that paltry effort would produce a list of 1,300 by year end, not to mention the addition of more sales, more clients, more profits. And yes, despite what you might think, I have clients who ARE closing deals right now in the midst of this craziness. To learn what they are doing, watch this webinar on how to prospect for managed IT services, VoIP and other IT support projects right now.

Fundamental #2: FREQUENTLY communicating with and selling to existing clients. So many MSPs step over dollars to pick up dimes by totally, completely ignoring their current paying clients, not going deeper into those accounts, not ferreting out referrals, not leveraging their stories and results to get another one like them. One member recently wrote he just paid off over $60,000 in personal debt thanks to ONE E-MAIL I forced him to send to his clients in a Rapid Implementation Workshop for MSPs, which had to generate at least 4 times that amount in revenue when you take out COGS, overhead and taxes to produce a net of $60K. That potential was there locked up, hiding in plain sight, waiting to be realized. All it took was the correct application of a fundamental.

Fundamental #3: Differentiating your business from ALL competitors. To quote Nido Qubein, President of High Point University, “The easier it is to replicate what you do, the less you get paid to do it.” Right now, we are going to move into a recession where your prospects are going to be more value conscious – not “cheap price,” but VALUE. They will be more discretionary with their spending – so now more than ever you need to be able to articulate WHY a prospect should do business with YOU over any and every other option, ESPECIALLY if you’re not the cheapest priced MSP or IT services vendor in your market area.

Fundamental #4: A DETERMINATION to succeed. I am, by far, not the most skilled salesperson, copywriter, leader, manager or entrepreneur. Many outpace me (although the number I outpace is vast). I am, however, pigheaded and determined to succeed and achieve my personal objectives. Every day, my goal is to have more net worth and equity BANKED than I did the day before. I look at my sales receipts DAILY. I am determined to make every day a money day, not just a day to get stuff done. Also, not just sales, but equity and recurring revenue – more new members, more events booked, more consulting days scheduled. Not a day should pass without me doing at least one thing, often several, to move that goal forward. One email. One phone call. One new sales letter or initiative. This year, why not set a goal every morning to dedicate at least ONE THING to “money-getting?”

    Many people – and particularly business people right now – are resigned to their miserable conditions, blaming everything beyond their control, hating the circumstances, cowering in fear and anger. Know this: There are only a FEW exceptional circumstances that are entirely and completely not bent to your will. Maybe it won’t be “business as usual,” for now, but in every crisis there’s opportunity. Hunt for it.  

   Ultimately, this IS what my company is really is about – giving you the courage and direction to be, have or do anything you want. In our mission statement: “…to EXPAND the CAPACITY of all members to achieve great things” is not just a platitude. WE stand WITH YOU, supporting you, cheering you against the mounting uncertainty.

    This is just one of the reasons we are giving away a FREE company-wide pass to our annual IT sales and marketing Boot Camp. This pass includes access to the expo hall along with 50 vendor breakout sessions, free training and a special session by yours truly on 4 fundamental marketing campaigns to truly get dialed in right now. Do this, and your business will not just survive but GROW. Get some.


