How To Be Genuine, Even in Tough Situations
Seth Rosner
We resolve disputes so business owners can focus on growing their companies + We help people get money to rebuild their lives after tragedy | We love to serve our clients and help them get justice.
All business isn’t good business. Successful client management is key to a successful practice.
One of the first steps you can take in being genuine is being honest with yourself about whether or not someone is a good client for you.
Understanding this upfront will make it easier to be genuine.
My business practice is to meet with a perspective client in person or virtually to look for clues on how they respond to the questions I ask. Body language is a key indicator, so you want to be able to see the person's reaction.
Here are the 4 questions I ask and you should ask too:
Will your client value the services you provide?
Or have they predetermined how everything must go?
Are they shopping for the cheapest price or the best service at a great value? What does their body language say when you speak with them?
Do your personalities mesh?
Being a good attorney requires that you get to know someone intimately. In order to develop the trust necessary for you to do your best job, your clients have to trust you with very personal information. If your personalities don’t mesh, it may be a difficult road ahead.
Will the client actively listen to the advice you give?
Is the person dead set on how they want everything to go and hired you to “have” a lawyer? Or are they going to follow the legal strategy you deliver as the best course of action?
These may seem like rhetorical questions at first, but the truth is some people aren't fully open to your expertise and professional advice.
Are you the right attorney for the job?
Do you possess the skill set and expertise for the particular case at hand? Or would someone else be a better fit for the client? Lack of competency is one of the biggest complaints made against attorneys every single year. Having a referral relationship with attorneys that practice in different areas can save you a lot of headaches and build your reputation amongst clients and peers.
As an experienced New York trial attorney, I share first-hand insights garnered over the past 27 years to help both my fellow attorneys and prospective clients better understand the legal process.
I best serve seriously injured persons, commercial litigation and insurance dispute clients. I've spent decades building a vetted network of high caliber professionals who can assist me in serving my clients and those in my community. If you are in need of the services I provide, please contact my office at 516.240.8218.
If you serve as a General Counsel or are a Property & Casualty Insurance Broker and would like to see how we can collaborate, please reach out via LinkedIn messaging.
This posting is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. For legal advice, contact a competent attorney licensed to practice in your jurisdiction for your particular problem.
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