How to generate tutoring and school clients and market influence without a site, logo , and unnecessary content posting
Mario Ronci
Helping robotics and energy teams excel with seamless hardware-software integration
Where are the clients?
You have no money or running on empty
and only an internet connection
Are you still limited to getting clients on your own because you don’t have paid ads or an expensive clear visual identity with all the bells and whistles
You can always adjust your marketing adjust your branding your message your visuals your copy etc. Contrary to popular belief these things will change and can change every week , month or year. But strategically of course
Cut all the fat even the things you’ve believed you really needed up to this point or have tos
you don’t need a site
Or a logo
Or tons and tons of content posting
All you need is a good picture and banner image that tells what the benefit for the end consumer, and good profile setup.
And then reaching out
Generate predictable sales opportunities without a properly put together website, logo, or social media content
Where do they Hang Out
-know which places they hang out, best think about social media as a community gathering center, think about which groups, interests, and influences they hang around or integrate in their day to day life
-pick a platform based on that, just one, be very focused on getting good at one, Facebook and LinkedIn are my go tos
Market Research
- knowing target market problems
- Knowing what makes you different
- knowing what skills can solve that problem
Test your hypothesis
- set up a profile, based on your educated guess on what problem you solve for your market
- Populate it with some content. Not too much a few articles for LinkedIn a few posts on Facebook
Reach out To people fit your target market description
-try different message structures use one message 100 times and track the results, of the response rate, scheduled call rates etc.
-Once knowing what message structure works or doesn't work, switch it for another or if it working but could be better improve it.
-follow up anytime with valuable things or quick reminders and...
Rinse and repeat
After a while, you’ll hit something really good after getting on calls with your target market
That one singular most important thing
That is...
the key market insight
that unlocks everything else
Why do I stress outreach to my clients more so than just strategy ( although very important) it’s because when they get on those calls they will start to pull the pieces of a puzzle that show the reality of their market problem.
This will singularly be their competitive advantage as they know more and more about the target market observing listening, tweaking based on that real market feedback. Making everything they do more effective and grounded in reality.
Market insights= sales, longevity and influence in the market
oh and...
I eat my own cooking below is a snapshot of how much market research I've done in the education space for the period of June - September when I knew NOTHING about this space. I had recently left the real estate niche of marketing and I only had a LinkedIn profile and my messaging strategies nothing else. But the best part not only it being low barrier to entry to do this , it that this isn't something taken from a blog or I heard XYZ through the grapevine, ZERO assumptions, and all real market qualitative data. Just by taking notes about real tutors and education consultants with real problems and their actual wording and phrasing of their problems. And then using that to land clients.
and I keep adding to it every day, constantly improving adding minor tweaks, and adjustments highlighting important info and taking my clients to feedback adding it to my list of research. Everything I hear from my prospects to customers becomes data I can use to make my service better and that is the singular thing that makes businesses successful and stands out in market places.
That's a blue ocean, baby!
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