How The GeengerGrp Built A Brand For Its People
Engagement—this is the meaning of the last “E” in our identity, “Geenger”. Creating a healthy and nourishing relationship through effective engagement with our people has always been integral to our goals.
But exactly, how do you create an effective, collaborative, and accountable workplace? One that allows people to flourish—a space where people are motivated to bring out the best in them? These are some of the biggest questions that companies face today as most of them transition into a more hybrid work environment.
With extensive research and testing, we have developed the prototype of the U+ Program, which today has become the brand of our culture. This program was designed to encourage a balanced sense of responsibility and accountability on an individual level—while being genuinely motivated to connect and help each other reach our goals. We believed that we had to exert time, effort, and resources to create the culture that we want, which led to designing the program around these five (5) values:
As professionals given as much freedom, we wanted to ground our culture on truthfulness and trustworthiness—being able to operate as independently and honestly as possible.
Creative Innovation
As creative practitioners, we see every opportunity to improve and innovate. To be in a constant state of progress, we always aim to be better than our last project.
Impact & Intent
One must be intentional in accomplishing their tasks with as much impact as possible, in driving every execution to achieve specific results.
As one organization, we must be able to work seamlessly together and understand the areas that need attending to—not to leave anyone or anything behind.?
To be willing to give and receive feedback regardless of tenure and experience, and treat each other as equals—unconfined within a set hierarchy of authority.
These five (5) values serve as guidelines for our employees to uphold, and create a safe space for creativity and camaraderie.
The prototype of the U+ Program had a very promising start. Monthly activities, peer-to-peer sessions, weekly engagements, and more were implemented to kick-start the program. But the effects of the pandemic forced everyone to refocus on their priorities. And as we hastily transitioned into an almost completely remote working arrangement, developing a healthy culture became all the more challenging. But to us, it was not impossible.
2021 came and we were already sailing smoothly on the ins and outs of the new normal. We welcomed new faces and personalities, which became a vital ingredient for us to reshape our culture. It was the perfect time to prepare and relaunch the U+ Program.
We kicked off 2022 with an overwhelming eagerness to participate in the program. With new and consistent activities, learning sessions, and fellowship, we have been slowly and surely molding our culture and influencing a self-sustaining environment where everyone knows their accountabilities and responsibilities while enjoying the freedom and trust that they share. And although the company has been seeing a great shift in this area, the management wanted to be certain of these results—and with this in mind, we applied for a Great Place To Work? Certification.
Among many successful companies in the country, only a few are GPTW-Certified. Among them are Ingram Micro, Maersk, and Ericsson to name a few. And in February of 2022, GeengerGrp joined the exclusive list of GPTW-Certified companies with an overwhelming 100% Trust Index. This success validates our commitment to make lives easier, not just for our clients, but especially for our key stakeholders—our people.
This certification gave us a renewed focus on our people and performance. U+ aims to maintain this momentum and bring the company’s culture to even greater heights. And as we make a bold move in our expansion goals, our people and our culture certainly take key priorities in fulfilling our mission—this makes the GeengerGrp, truly a #GreatPlaceToWork.
To know more about GeengerGrp’s GPTW results, head on to
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