How to Fulfill Your Potential After Divorce By Not Letting It Define You
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How to Fulfill Your Potential After Divorce By Not Letting It Define You

My friend, Shawn Phillips, and I often delve deeply into conversations about life at every level. Recently Shawn shared this post about life after divorce, which moved me. I believe everyone should fulfill his or her potential in life, particularly after divorce. It’s worth sharing and discussing further:

 As I was working on something this morning... this book, this work, came to mind. This is the ultimate guide to the changes in life that set us back and set us free.

Be it a loss of a business, a death in the family, the loss of a marriage or any other number of life events... they are all Transitions and gateways to transformations.

Why share this? Because it reminds me of something I’ve felt for a long time... it’s not about divorce.

Divorce is not how I define myself any more than closing a company or ending a contract is how I define myself.

My dad died 10 years ago and I have yet to ever tell someone I am a widowed son. In fact, I hate the forms and documents that ask you, “Married, Single or D...” It’s really offensive and in many cases completely pointless. Why... am I an insurance risk if Divorced? Haaa.

Divorce is one of the many life events that can be a catalyst to greater awakening, freedom and strength. It can also be very difficult.... emotionally and financially challenging. As can other events. 

 Are you allowing divorce to define you?

Are you choosing to be labeled as divorced?

You can and should free yourself from the “D” moniker. That chapter of your life is closed.

  • Instead of thinking about failure, think about new beginnings.
  • Instead of thinking of loss, think of the new people and new relationships in your future.
  • Instead of thinking about what you don’t have, think about what you DO have.
  • Instead of thinking about what’s happened, I want you to think about what is going to happen!

Now, on to the next chapter. A new chapter. One designed by you, for you. It’s a clean slate. The future is yours.... You are free, unbound by any labels.

  1. Try to get clear about WHO you want to be.
  2. Figure out what your WHY is. What are you passionate about?
  3. Get clear about your FUTURE.

 It’s good to dream. Dream big. Paint a vivid picture in your mind of the life you want to live. Think of this daily.

There is a process to this evolution, this growth. You can absolutely do it alone, or you can get help. I lead a program for Fulfilling Your Potential After Divorce and there are other resources readily available.

Either way, I encourage you to commit to growth. Commit to living an inspirational & empowered future unlimited by your past. You don’t have to live in negativity, loss, fear, stress, anxiety.... You deserve the life you desire.

It comes down to YOU. The greatest lie of all time is “someone else”. Trust me, nobody else is going to do this for you.

Dig in. Commit to do the self-work. And then, DO the work. You will be overwhelmingly pleased with the results.

I truly want you to live an inspirational & empowered future unlimited by your past.

After all, Life is a Gift! Make it a great one!

~ bill

30 years of strategic, entrepreneurial business growth along with two brushes with death have earned him the tag “ResilienceGuy”. Bill Douglas is an accomplished Mentor, Coach & Speaker helping entrepreneurs & executives with growth and strength.

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Fulfilling Your Potential After Divorce

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