Forgiveness, a virtue of the brave!

Forgiveness, a virtue of the brave!

Let us first understand Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory (Divided the human mind into 3 personality structures – Id, Ego, and Super Ego) –

  • Id?– It is an unconscious behavior, controlled with the instant pleasure principle. It is developed from childhood/infancy. (Sexual urge, aggressive urge, pleasure, death instinct, in short, no matter what, just want to be happy leading to what so ever consequences they have to bear). {Unconscious behavior part}.?Requires immediate gratification by gaining pleasure and avoiding pain.?Imagine a child demanding ice cream, he wants it now, if not then he cries loudly and feels okay after getting it.

Example: If. Mr. A bought a cup of coffee but did not pay the bill and he ran away and never came back, thinking ahh I saved my money, now who cares)

  • Ego?– It comes under the conscious state, based on the reality principle. It drives and saves you a little. It gets developed from 3 years of age. (It tries to balance the Id & Superego). {Conscious behavior part}.?It has more to do with the reality principle.

Example: Mr. A may go back to the coffee shop and give back the money or may not go back to give the money and can think oh I saved my money)

  • Superego?– It works under the morality principle, doing the right things. Developed after gaining wisdom, experience, and the right mindset. It gets developed from 5-6 years of age. Pre-conscious/Unconscious behavior part}.?It has more to do with what is wrong is wrong and what is right is right. It is like an angel which does socially acceptable things. Acts like a judge.

Example: M.r A will definitely go back and pay his bills because it is his moral duty not to take anything for free if he/she has taken the service.

?How to forgive someone?

'Helping those who never helped us, shows our magnanimity & enlarges life–?Shri Shri Ravi Shankar

  • Know why someone is doing/behaving like this?– Why give a lot of answers!! Why someone is doing/behaving like this? Could be they are not happy because if they are miserable or small-minded then only they can do such a thing or can show poor behavior. As someone matures, they start realizing why am I so nasty?! And this sought of thing haunts them. So rather than dwelling on the past, move forward and enlighten up things and people’s life around you. Help them which also means you are also helping the environment and yourself to become a better being.
  • Show your greatness?– Life is meant for growth, show your greatness and be a role model. Lead by example so that you are not leaving the mess for the current and future generations but actually have sorted out things for the generations to come with a clear path so our next generation can enjoy the world in a more meaningful and joyful way. Be the bigger person, be more. Clear the mess as much as you can.
  • Be more aware and intentional?– Awareness means being a little more conscious about your thoughts, acts, and actions. Animals don’t have as much power as we humans do, they lack a lot of self-control but we humans are equipped with intelligence and possess a lot of self-control. Being a little tolerant is important in this fast-paced life, tolerance is power (Barack Obama). Accept a few things/mistakes and try to make them better with your consciousness, wisdom, and awareness.


Human beings are the most powerful being on the earth, make sure that you positively use your power and not in a destructive way. Do not damage or break things it can be easily done, make things! Be a maker..Make this world a little better with your presence.

?It is a hard job so complaining or revenge or giving up is easy, so most people choose that but?make sure that you choose to become a better human, something more and a bigger person always.

So, let it go…. you show your best self every time irrespective of what others are doing. Choose wisdom and greatness over darkness and ignorance.

Thank you

Aakriti Pandey


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