How foreign languages will boost your career?
BAB Consult
We are an agency for staff selecting procedures and consulting, created to increase the employment in Bulgaria.
How many foreign languages do you speak? Nowadays, students in Bulgaria should learn at least 2 foreign languages. But why? In this way, children get a bigger chance for career development in local or international companies.
By reading this article you will find out the advantages of foreign languages in your career.
Many job opportunities (lucrative)
Translator, travel guide, teacher, or customer support at a call center are the most common positions which polyglots choose and they have become even a stereotype.
BUT … If you speak foreign languages, you can develop yourself successfully in many other fields - marketing, HR, PR, accounting, IT, etc.
Employees who use foreign languages at work are paid better than their monolingual colleagues in the same position. Employers know the importance of each foreign language for their company. Moreover, polyglots have to be multifunctional all the time by thinking in different languages.
You and your friends meet a Spaniard who does not know Bulgarian or English, and no one around has studied Spanish… except YOU. You save the day!
Your colleague or partner urgently needs to write a good email in German, but he or she is not familiar enough with the grammar and vocabulary. Fortunately, you could help him!
You are on a holiday with your friends in Italy and there are signs all around you in Italian. Your friends have difficulty with reading and understanding the signs. Of course, this presents no issue to you because you have learned Italian at school. You have become an essential part of your company.?
We are giving all these examples to show you how valuable you actually are by speaking foreign languages.
Don't worry when you are going to have a job interview. Certainly, your CV has been thoroughly reviewed and your language skills have caught the employer's attention. What is required of you is to prove your skills.
Free communication with foreign business partners
Do you want to expand your company and business contacts on an international level? Of course, for the official documents, you need a licensed translation.
Oral communication is a crucial factor in building good relationships with partners from abroad. Simultaneous translators are expensive, so if you speak foreign languages, you could save a lot of translation costs.
If you communicate personally with your future partner, without mediators, you build trust between the two parties and a stronger emotional bond. In addition, your linguistic skills will inspire respect in your potential partner.
You develop your skills and brain activity
Skillful use of a language requires constantly learning, periodically recalling vocabulary and grammar, as well as practicing!
The easiest way to learn a new language is to watch different shows and read books or articles. In this way, we not only enrich our vocabulary but also expand our knowledge in various fields of entertainment and science.
The most successful in their career are those who work on their personal development!
All these activities have a positive impact on brain activity. Learning a language has a positive effect on our creativity, memory and concentration.
The mind must be in shape if we want to be productive, and achieve our goals in the most optimal time.
You build a strong strategy
All over the world, businessmen and employers have different perspectives and understandings of what is “right”. When you start learning a language, you take the first step towards understanding the attitudes of certain groups of people in a country and particular cultures.
As you improve your knowledge and skills (not only for the specific language but also for the countries in which they use it), you will know how to approach strategically with both foreign customers and business partners.
Knowing a foreign language is a treasure! You have the chance to dive into different cultures and learn a lot about the world.
We hope that this article has motivated you to keep learning foreign languages and use them in the most beneficial way for you.
We, from BAB Consult, will offer you different positions with foreign languages in large and successful companies. See the ads here on our website.
If you have comments or questions, do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]?