How To Be Focused!
There is a big difference between somebody who is consistently growing, and somebody who becomes stagnant in life.
That could be growing in the business, going from 0 to 1M, 1M to 10M, 10M to 25M, or 50M, or 100 million or more.?
Or it could be growing your personal wealth, relationships, health, personal development, or growing in any area in life.?
The difference between somebody who is growing and somebody who is stagnant is amazingly simple…
And when you flip this switch in your life, you trigger growth very quickly.
The differences are this...
Somebody who’s stagnant focuses on what's around them right now, because that's comfortable.
It's human nature to look at what's around you right now and try to fix things.
Like, if you’re in business, you might focus on all the little fires that need to get put out, or all the emails you get, or all the people who want “just 1 minute” of your time, and by the end of the day, you feel COMPLETELY UNPRODUCTIVE because you got so little accomplished.
Compare that to somebody who is continuously growing.?
Those people do not focus on what's around them today.
Every image they have in their brain right now is devoted to accomplishing a big, worthwhile goal in the future.
The most successful people understand 2 very important things:
First, their job is to keep building a more clear vision of what their end result goal looks like.
Because they know that the clarity of their image dictates the actions they take on a daily basis.?
And the actions they take always determine the results they get.
Second, they understand that they absolutely cannot focus on all the small stuff that gets in their way.
The most successful people literally SUCK at following up with voicemails, texts, or other distractions, so we surround ourselves with people who are great at those things.
We know that the extent to which we can put together teams that get all that other stuff done is the extent to which we can focus on the few actions, every day, that get us to our vision.
That's why every time I hear gurus on social media telling you how meetings are a waste of your time, I laugh.
Because, I'm fortunate to be friends with many of those same people who are telling you not to have meetings.
But when we're sitting together having dinner or when we're talking about business on a call, they ALWAYS talk about the meetings they're having with their team.
Because when you understand how to have meetings the right way, those meetings help you to clarify your image, and equally important, they help you to share that image with your team.
And when your team has the same image that you have, growth becomes amazingly easier!