How Flossing Your Teeth Can 10x Your Business
Yesterday I was standing with my son in a banana tree patch on our land that we'd just had cleaned out by an excavator. Until then, it was overgrown and you couldn't stand amongst the trees.
My son was stood in a daze poking using his pincers on both hands all over different points on his body. I watched him for a moment, wondering what he was up to.
"What are you doing, buddy?"
"I'm pinching myself to make sure this isn't a dream."
"Hah! Why?!"
"Because this is so amaaaaaaazing!"
He was struck by how miraculous a transformation his backyard had gone through. How before when there were tall, thick weeds, now there was a small forest of banana trees to stand amongst and be towered over by. It looked like a scene from the book 'Where the Wild Things Are'.
Of the dreams he has shared with me, the settings were often places familiar to him, but with odd differences. The giant monster in our living room, the garden on our roof, etc.
This morning I had an email from a former client that reminded me of my son's sense of wonder and awe amongst the banana trees. He was sharing his excitement about the progress he's been making with the Creating Dialogue process he learned at Alles a couple of weeks ago.
If you're a member of our Facebook Group, you may have already seen my popular post where I shared about how he planned to use Creating Dialogue to develop a flossing habit. I had encouraged him with it, saying that doing so will 10X his business. I also shared with him how I had similarly used Creating Dialogue to improve my handwriting and how that had grown my business too.
In the email I received this morning, he wrote:
"It's been 10 days since I shared the email about flossing. I haven't gone a day without flossing. It's ridiculous how unnatural it now feels NOT to floss my teeth in the morning and evening."
Following that, he went on to share his excitement about a way he has identified that he can 10X the lead flow in his business. (He runs a company he founded that improves the student experience at Universities). He detailed to me how he is now using the Creating Dialogue process to achieve this.
Contained in my story here is a powerful principle that I haven't shared with you about Creating Dialogue yet. I haven't shared it in any of my twice-monthly talks/demonstrations of Creating Dialogue either and I did not share it at Alles. It is a simple and immensely powerful principle and once you take it on, it can feel like you've always got a magic wand in your hand.
On Tuesday, next week, I'll be doing another free, live Creating Dialogue talk in which I will share this principle with you and also demonstrate to you how it works.
For those who have not attended Alles, coming to these free talks/demos is a great way to see the awesome power of Creating Dialogue in action.
For those who have attended Alles, they are a great way to deepen your understanding of the process you have learned. And remember, repetition is the mother of all skill.
If you'd like to join us, please register now here.
DAY: Tuesday 28th June 2022
TIME: 9am HST / 12pm PDT / 3pm EDT / 8pm BST / 9pm CEST
WHERE: Register for Zoom Meeting
Loving you, JPM
PS - If you'd like to volunteer to be in Creating Dialogue with me, simply reply to this article or send me a DM answering this question: "What would you love to create?"
PPS - The next Alles live training will take place on Friday 5th August. If you already know you'd like to join us, you can click here to secure your seat now.