How To Fix WordPress Missing Color And Underline Font Options

How To Fix WordPress Missing Color And Underline Font Options

Have you ever felt frustrated when you couldn't add color or underline text in WordPress?

It can be quite frustrating, and sometimes, it stops creative ideas and professional work.

But don't worry! This article will show you why this happens.

I'll provide easy steps to fix the missing color and underline tools.

You'll soon have full control over your WordPress site's look and options.

The Causes of Missing Font Options

If you use WordPress, you might see that the underline and color options are gone from your editor.

This problem seems tricky, but knowing why it happens can lead to a fix. We'll look into fixing this so you can format your text as needed.

These are some reasons why color options and underline font options are missing:

1. Plugin Incompatibilities

Often, missing font options are due to plugin incompatibilities in WordPress.

Installing a new theme or plugin might not work well with your site's basic setup.

This can make some editing tools vanish. In this case, check if a new WordPress plugin or WordPress theme is causing the trouble.

2. Outdated WordPress or Theme Version

Missing font tools could also show up if WordPress or your theme is outdated.

Both WordPress versions and plugin/theme updates come out all the time.

They fix bugs, improve features, and help with compatibility. So, always keep your site up-to-date.

Knowing about these causes helps in finding the main issue.

Then, you can fix the problem with missing font options. Keep on reading to learn how to fix this and revive your editing tools.

3. Check User Permissions

Access to font formatting can be limited by your user role in WordPress. An administrator has the most freedom, while a contributor or subscriber sees fewer options.

Login to your WordPress dashboard to check your role under "Users." If you lack the necessary permissions, reach out to someone with editor or author status. They might be able to help.

4. Install Formatting Plugins

Installing a formatting plugin is another way to gain missing font features. Black Studio TinyMCE Widget and similar rich text editor tools can unlock more font formatting options.

In your WordPress dashboard, head to "Plugins" to add a new plugin. Search for the one you need and follow the prompts to install and turn it on. Afterwards, more formatting tools should be available in the editor.

Installing and setting up plugins might need some tech know-how. If you're stuck, a WordPress developer or the plugin's own support can guide you.

5. Troubleshoot Plugin and Theme Conflicts

One common reason for missing color and underline font options in the WordPress editor might be a plugin and theme conflicts.

When plugins and themes don't work together, you might lose important tools. To solve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Identify problematic plugins by turning off each plugin. See if the fonts come back. This step helps find the conflicting plugin.
  2. Check if your theme works well with the latest WordPress and your plugins. A theme that's not compatible can cause issues, too.
  3. Look at the settings of every plugin. Sometimes, wrong settings can mess with the editor's features.
  4. If you think one plugin is the problem, talk to the developers. They can help fix any plugin conflicts or theme conflicts.
  5. Try using the default WordPress theme to check if this is a theme problem. If the fonts show up, you've found the issue.

Working through issues by checking plugin deactivation, theme compatibility, and plugin settings can often fix missing font options.

If it keeps happening, consider getting help from a WordPress development agency.

They are experts in finding and solving theme and plugin conflicts.

Try the Classic Editor Plugin

Are you finding it hard to use colors and underline in WordPress? The Classic Editor plugin might help.

It gives a simpler, more familiar way to write. You'll have the option to change text color and underline things again.

WordPress made big changes with the Gutenberg block editor in version 5.0.

It's good for making complex pages, but not everyone likes it.

The Classic Editor plugin lets you go back to the easy tools you know. This means you can use colors in the text and add underlined text like before.

It is easy to use the Classic Editor plugin. After you install it, the old-style editor comes back.

You can start using text colors and adding underlines with ease. These features were hard to find in Gutenberg.

Many people like the Classic Editor plugin because it makes writing easier.

It brings back the tools for making your text look the way you want.

This makes editing your content smooth and enjoyable again.


We looked into why WordPress was missing some font options, like colors and underline.

We found out why this happened and how to fix it. This could be due to certain plugins not working right, old software, or problems with permissions.

But now, you know what to do to solve these issues.

To get back full control over your text in WordPress, use the Classic Editor plugin and check your settings.

Also, adding special plugins for fonts can help a lot. Keep your WordPress and theme updated.

Make sure all your plugins get along.

These steps are really important for a smooth writing experience.

Based on what you've learned, WordPress text formatting shouldn't be a challenge.

You can make your content look great and connect with your readers.

Use the strength of WordPress and its plugins to boost your web work and content making.

If you seek in-depth information on this, read this. This will help make your WordPress site a big success.


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