How to fix wix 404 Error ?
A Wix site 404 error usually occurs when a page cannot be found for one reason or another. These steps might help you to troubleshoot the issue.
Make sure the URL you want to access is correct. Even a small nano-character can break the web browser and show a 404.
Update Broken LinksIf you have modified the URL of the page, make necessary updates in all the links that point to it internally.
Verify all internal links (navigation menu, buttons and text links) are going to the correct pages.
If the page is deleted or changed to another URL, create a 301 redirect from the old URL to the new URL.
In Wix, this literally means going to SEO Tools > URL Redirect Manager to establish the redirect.
Re-Publish the Site
FAQ #1 : Fix 404 Error — Just Update! Sometimes just by re-publishing your site can refresh the site and resolve the 404 error issues. Open the Site Dashboard and click Publish.
Clear Browser Cache
Cached data can make the browser search for a previous URL. Wipe your cache of your browser and access the page again.
Visibility settings pop up on the Page
In the Wix Editor, make sure that the page is public. Visit Page Settings and make sure it is public so search engines and visitors can see it.
Check the Domain of your Site is Connected
A misconfigured custom domain can lead to 404 errors all over your site. Ensure that your domain is connected properly to Wix
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