How To Fix SIM Not Provisioned Mm#2 Error On Android?
Android Data Recovery
Android Data Recovery Software helps you to recover deleted documents, video, audio, photos, and other data on Android.
Have you bought a new cell phone and a new SIM card? As soon as you inserted a SIM card in your phone, it started showing an error SIM Not Provisioned MM#2 or SIM Not Provisioned.
Well, it could be really frustrating to experience such an error especially when you buy a new phone. But you don’t have to worry about it!
Today, in this article, I am going to show you how to fix SIM not provisioned error with 4 quick and easy ways.
Besides that, if you are eager to know the reasons behind this error message then just scroll down and get your below.
Possible Reasons Behind “SIM ?Not Provisioned MM#2” Error
·??????When a new SIM card is inserted into your phone
·??????If the SIM card is not activated
·??????The SIM card is not placed properly in the SIM slot.
·??????If your SIM card is dead or physically damaged
So, these are some of the possible reasons that could often lead to SIM not provisioned MM#2 error on Android. Now, let’s figure out the solutions to troubleshoot this error.
How To Fix “SIM Not Provisioned MM#2” Error On Android?
Since you are facing SIM not provisioned MM#2 error on Android so you must try out the below-mentioned solutions. All the solutions are very effective and easy to apply.
Solution #1: Restart your Android phone
Whenever you come across SIM not provisioned mm#2 Samsung, the first step you should always take is – Restart your Android phone once. This is one of the easiest ways to deal with such kinds of errors.
After restarting the device, you need to check whether the error has been fixed or not.
Solution #2: Place the SIM Card Properly
This kind of error usually takes place in your phone when the SIM card is not properly inserted into the SIM card slot.
If your SIM card is not properly placed in your phone, your device won’t be able to detect your SIM card or it’ll not able to read your SIM card’s data. And this could later cause SIM not provisioned MM#2 error on Android.
So, you need to make sure that your SIM card should be inserted properly in the slot.
Solution #3: Clean your SIM Card & Card Slot
Many times, it happens that your device couldn’t recognize your SIM card when there is dirt or dust particles get accumulated in your SIM card/ SIM tray.
In such a situation, you need to take out the SIM card from the slot and then clean it (SIM Card & Card Slot) gently with the help of soft cotton cloth.
After cleaning them, just insert your SIM card back into the SIM card tray and check whether the error is fixed or not.
Solution #4: Turn On & Off the Airplane Mode
Putting your Android phone in airplane/flight mode could help you to fix SIM not provisioned mm#2 Samsung error. Doing this will refresh your phone’s connection with a cellular carrier & can also eliminate SIM not provisioned error.
Swipe the Notification panel from the top of the phone’s screen then tap on the Airplane/flight mode to turn on this option. After that, wait for a while and then again tap on the same option in order to disable the airplane mode.
Solution #5: Put Your SIM Card on another Port
You may receive SIM not provisioned MM #2 errors on Android can due to the faulty or damaged SIM port. So, if you have a dual SIM phone and one of your SIM card ports is damaged then you can use another tray to insert your SIM card.?
Time To Conclude
The SIM not provisioned mm#2 is one of the common errors that is associated with SIM cards. This error mostly takes place in your phone when you purchase a new SIM card or your SIM card is not activated.
Regardless of the reasons, the aforementioned solutions will help you in all circumstances. So, if you are dealing with this annoying error then you must check out the above-listed solutions.
Hope you like this post!