How to fix MSM in 5 minutes
You can restore trustworthiness and objectivity to mainstream media Yes, I’m absolutely serious.?You can do it all by yourself.?But let me set the stage.
I saw a post on the Mastodon instance that I normally had seen on Twitter and Facebook when I was still using those platforms.
“It would seem to me that Supreme Court Justices taking bribes should be a bigger story.”
My first reaction when I see posts like that is that the poster just wasn’t paying attention because my news feed has at least one story or commentary every hour about ethics problems with the Supreme Court.?But then I remembered some statistics I found a few months ago.
A little more than 1 in 20 people get their news primarily from print media
A little less than 1 in 5 get their news from broadcast media (radio and TV)
About 1 in 10 get news from cable news
More than 9 of 10 get news from social media.
Now this technique won’t work for people who get news from print or broadcast. And the people who rely on cable news are beyond hope.?But since the majority of people are those that get news from social media, those people are the grates hope for the world.?And since you are reading this on a social medium, that probably means you.?You can change how the news media works, and what they cover, and improve trustworthiness.
The next time there is a news story you think should be getting more coverage, do a search for that subject in your medium of choice.?(Unfortunately, that excludes Twitter unless you are willing to pay for the search feature. That’s Elon’s latest improvement to the platform. But you still can on Linkedin, Facebook, Mastodon and every other non-Elon platform.). That’s the first step because by doing that search, you adjust the algorithm to start sending content related to the search to your feed.
Next, click on one of the articles.?You don’t have to read it.?Most people don’t read the articles they click on, they just read the headlines, but you don’t even have to do that much.?Just leave the article on your screen and pour yourself a coffee or other beverage.?Lingering on that article for. More than 5 seconds does another algorithm adjustment.
After you’ve had a few sips of your beverage, press the like button.?There’s another adjustment. ?
Share it with on your feed or with a friend.?You don’t have to actually say anything in the share post. More adjustments.?But if you do add to the post, saying anything including “MSM isn’t covering this” will boost the algorithm even more.
A huge adjustment is when you leave a comment.?The comment doesn’t even have to have anything to say anything relevant to the post.?Just say something like, “My nose itches.” Adding that comment will make a huge adjustment.
If you do all of that, suddenly you will find your feed absolutely filled with articles and posts from absolute strangers talking about how the media isn’t covering this news and you will be like me saying, “What are you talking about? There’s nothing else they are covering!”
So you have fixed MSM at that point for that particular issue.?Is there something else you think MSM isn’t covering effectively? Just follow the same process.?And it takes less time to do that than it would to actually read the article about the issue that seems so important.?Talk about a service to society that requires almost no effort. Good on you.
Now if you would like to make a little more of an effort, get a newspaper subscription and actually read it.?Yeah, I know.?That could take almost 15 to 30 minutes of your day that could be spent doom scrolling on Facebook, so it’s not mandatory and it kinda makes you a weirdo being all informed and stuff. But some of us are making that sacrifice and would really appreciate the company. Kinda lonely out here in the real world.