How to Fix the Loss of Pressure in Your Air Compressor

How to Fix the Loss of Pressure in Your Air Compressor

A significant amount of money is dedicated by industrial processes towards compressing air, which can greatly affect their operational expenses. However, a drop in pressure in the compressor can result in wasted electricity, increased costs, and decreased profits. This also leads to the compressor having to work harder to maintain the pressure, causing more wear and tear. It is well-known among compressor dealers in Mumbai that maintaining the optimal air pressure in a compressor is crucial.

This Blog Will Explain 7 Primary Causes of Pressure Loss in Your Air Compressor and How to Resolve Them:

  1. Issues with the Air SystemAir leaks are a common issue with air compressors and pneumatic tools, often caused by ruptures in hoses, piping trees, nozzles, and connectors. These leaks can result in a drop in air pressure. To prevent this problem, it is important to have your compressor systems regularly checked for ruptures and leaks.
  2. Malfunctioning pressure regulatorAir compressor systems are regulated by regulators that are responsible for controlling the flow of air. If the pressure regulator is not functioning properly or is not the right size for the compressor, it can result in a decrease in air pressure. It is important to always select the appropriate size for your compressor's pressure regulator. Avoid adjusting the regulator to compensate for a loss in pressure, as this can cause it to malfunction over time. If there is a sudden decline in pressure, it is recommended to have your pressure regulator checked by the nearest Air Compressor Dealers in Mumbai .
  3. Insufficient Air IntakeIt is probable that the lack of air intake from the inlet is the main cause of the issue with your air compressor. Resolve this issue by examining, purifying, and eliminating any obstructions that may be preventing air flow at the inlet.
  4. Valves that are worn or damagedWhenever air enters the valves, there is typically a decrease in pressure due to the interruption of momentum. This issue can be exacerbated if the valves are worn or damaged. To ensure optimal performance, it is essential to regularly maintain the air compressors. By implementing an efficient maintenance routine, you can keep the valves in good working condition.
  5. Blocked or Filthy FiltersSimilar to a car, air compressor filters can become dirty over time due to dust and other particles, particularly in industrial or workshop environments. When filters are dirty or blocked, they can prevent fresh air from entering the air compressor, resulting in a decrease in pressure. The solution is to routinely clean and replace air filters.
  6. Faulty Pressure SwitchIf the pressure switch fails or has a malfunction, the air compressor will struggle to maintain the necessary pressure. To address this issue, it is important to have the switch inspected and repaired if there are unexplainable drops in air pressure.
  7. Inadequate LubricationOne potential reason for a decrease in air pressure may be due to inadequate lubrication within the air compressor system. It is important for air compressors to have appropriately sized lubricators. If your current lubricators are not functioning properly or cannot handle the workload, it may be necessary to replace them. Consider purchasing lubricators with top ratings to effectively minimize pressure drops.If you want to know more about how to keep the air pressure at its best in your compressor systems, reach out to our specialists at 022 43436655 or send us an email at . VEMC is the top ELGi Screw Compressor supplier located in Mumbai.


