How to Fix a Common Baseboard Heater Problem with EZ Snap Covers

How to Fix a Common Baseboard Heater Problem with EZ Snap Covers

We often get phone calls from people looking for a solution to their nasty, ugly baseboard heaters. Most people spend hours and hours and dollars and dollars scraping, sanding and painting their old rusty baseboard heater covers, only to have them rust all over again. Well, EZ Snap Covers has the solution. Just remove your covers off the wall and Snap our EZ Snap Covers right on. Just put the end caps on and it snaps right over your existing wall plate and you are done.

Last week a customer called and her fintubes (that's the copper pipe with the aluminum fins) were sticking out from the wall more than 3 1/8" (that's the depth of our covers). I suggested, all you need to do is build a "picture-frame" to space it out and use our wall widgets to attach it to the wall. Well, she just sent me pictures and THEY LOOK AMAZING! You tell me... Did she do a great job or what?


