How Fit Are You?
Now that the Fourth of July is over, and the purging has ended, we’re all back at it again on our health and weight loss journeys!
For most of us, that means cleaning up our diets…
Out goes the abundance of grainy, processed, and sugary garbage mixed in with a bounty of nutrition-less alcohol! In comes the healthy fats, the lean proteins, and the leafy green veggies — All day every day, baby!!
Now that it’s nice out virtually everywhere in the Northern Hemisphere, it’s also a great time of year to get your fitness on ;-)
With this in mind, you may not know where to start. You may not have even gone out of your way to exercise any time this year. Or this decade, for that matter…
Not only may you not know what to do to get started, but you may not know how to gauge where you’re at so that you can pick the best fitness plan for you.
Fortunately, I’ve got you covered!
Below you’ll find the four areas you’ll need to assess in order to discern where you’re at currently, and what you need to work on to get into shape:
1. Endurance.
Whether cardiovascular or muscular, you have to gauge (in a safe way) where your endurance is at.
If you find that you break a sweat merely walking around, or climbing stairs, or bending down, then it may be safe to assume that this area of your physical fitness needs work.
Stay tuned for my Fitness Test, which will give you everything you need to this out ;-)
2. Strength.
Can you hold yourself up? Can you perform a pushup — Or a squat?
These are basic, functional exercises that a fit individual should be able to perform. In my Fitness Test below, you’ll be able to assess both your upper and your lower body strength by performing these very movements!
3. Flexibility.
Can you squat at or below 90 degrees? Can you touch your toes without bending your knees — Whether you’re standing up, or you’re lying on your back?
These are just a couple of the many basic questions one must answer in order to discern how flexible or not one is…
If you find that you tighten up easily, and that many day-to-day movements leave you feeling stiff and sore afterwards, then it’s fair to say that you may need to work on this area of your physical capabilities.
4. Core Strength.
I separated Core Strength from general Strength for a reason…
I’m sure you’ve heard before that if you don’t have your core, then you have nothing from a physical standpoint. This statement couldn’t be more true!
Having a strong core not only helps you to maintain good posture, but it helps you to prevent lower back pain, to prevent stiffness in your shoulders, and to prevent other common injuries.
A strong core helps you stay healthy — Period! It’s a component of your fitness that can NOT be neglected under any circumstances!!
Now then, the moment you’ve been waiting for!
Watch the video below, and then download the attached Fitness Test Progress Tracker PDF before performing your Fitness Test…
The first video shows you how to download an interval timer on your smartphone or tablet, and then how to set it up for your Fitness Test.
Fitness Retriever: Fitness Test Interval Timer Setup
The second video shows you what the Fitness Test is comprised of, and what you should be watching for as you perform it!
How Fit Are You? | Pete’s 7 Minute Fitness Test
Once your interval timer is set up, and you understand how to perform the Fitness Test, download and use the Progress Tracker sheet attached to this article. It will help you see what areas of your fitness that you excel in, and which areas of your fitness that you currently struggle with.
Do me a favor, and email me your results once you’ve completed your Fitness Test! Looking forward to hearing from you :-)
Pete Weintraub
P.S. If you’re interested in downloading my FREE report that details the five strategies I personally used to lose 100 lbs and keep them off, please go to