How to Finish Unfinished Business
While you cannot literally flip a switch and turn the world off and then back on again to reboot a bit more certainty and direction, you can embrace an imaginary on/off reboot switch in your life.
What does a quick power off and repower back on allow for you to do? ?
Consider this pause as an instrumental and necessary requirement in reassessing and then showing up for what is next and what is now.
The question is…where do you get stuck? What tangles you?
Does this disruption live at the intersection of busyness and overwhelm?
Or between fear and uncertainty?
Perhaps, you never even began what you planned to…
Or is it simply that whatever you started does not currently appeal to you in the same way that you hoped it would? Yesterday’s yes can be today’s no-way!
Your own personal “how to control anything and get stuff done” lies in your ability to shift your thoughts regarding the tasks and projects you take on. Want to finish unfinished business? ?No need to abandon your dreams when a simple revamp is the precise nurturing they need.
?Start here:
·????? Not all tasks are equal in nature. If you are looking at achieving a large goal or finishing a long project, begin by breaking it down into smaller pieces. Celebrate your achievement at completing each task. Seriously be mindful of all the pieces, of the process toward the finish line. This subtle shift keeps you planted in the moment and mindful of the positive gains right now. Need a visual guide? Grab two small jars and a ton of paper clips. One paperclip for every step of the project you are working on. Put all the paperclips into one of the jars. Every time you complete a part of what you are working on…even if there have been changes in your original plan…reward yourself by moving a paperclip to the other jar. When we see it, we can achieve it…and celebrate your progress!
·????? Create an updated and running list of what you can control and manage. So common to abandon everything when you cannot attain everything. Problem solving from the vantage point of what is possible re-establishes a clearer understanding of actionable items and achievements. This begins with a list that is reviewed and renewed daily and that expands with each decision. Begin and empower each day from the perspective of what you "own" and command.
·????? Evaluate if the task in question should have been started in the first place! What is your relationship to it? Just because you began something does not always mean you need to see it through in its original design. While I am not advocating abandoning ship when the going gets tough, I am suggesting that you allow for modification in design. Consider this your personal permission to pivot. When you pivot instead of quitting you move toward something rather than away from it. Maybe you are not finishing this project because you experienced a few setbacks or fails. If so, it may just be time for a tweak not an abort. What can you do differently? What have you learned since you began? Are you in need of a completely different project, or are you in need of finding a different route to complete the one you began? What do you need to control here and what can remain unknown? Re-evaluate and play with the possibilities of the next twist or turn. What are 1-3 things you can shift today that get you closer to your new image of success?
·????? No one does it alone. At least not everything! Hire a personal assistant, VA, someone to do errands or clean. Whatever will make your life easier. Too much to do creates overwhelm not creativity. Allow yourself the space in which to move forward. Delegating (including to yourself…which is called choice!) allows you to focus your energy on the essential build of your project without getting stuck in the cracks. AND…if you want to work with me to refocus, define, and to stay committed to ongoing change…let’s talk!
One of the biggest reasons that resolutions and goals fail is that they are seeped in jumbo projects and tasks. They then take on an all or nothing philosophy. Can’t get it right? Our tendency is to quit, or pause, or procrastinate. If you really want to finish unfinished business here is the tip you need the most…
?LET PERFECTION GO! Very little is “perfect” and unfolds just as planned. In the scope of your life, you will not even remember the little fails, the fears that stopped you, or what got in the way. You will remember the moments and the feelings behind those moments of doing, testing, trying and personal growth. Defining moments in real time means that there is vulnerability and imperfection, curiosity, and action. Letting go of perfection allows you to finish business and to flip the switch on change and inner renewal. Think of your goals and decisions as having a bit of stretch built in so that they can stay current and flexible.