How To Finish Strong!

How To Finish Strong!

They say it takes courage to start something.

"It takes heart to finish."

And I really love that quote because that's where we're at right now, where Q4 2021, we're about ready to set ourselves up for the next year.

The question is, what are you doing to finish the year really strong so that you can have your best year ever, or at least set yourself up for 2022?

And it's been a tough year for a lot of people. I mean, let's face it.?

COVID, people wearing mask.

We've got a really tight inventory. As far as supply goes, prices are going up very fast.

There's been a lot of challenges in, depending on which side of the fence you're on, whether you're representing buyers or sellers, it's been an interesting year, right?

But what can we do right now to really up our game?

And I chose three things I want to talk to you about in this post now, for those of you who don't know me, my name's Nate Short. I'm the founder of Run Your Business Like A Business. We're an elite coaching and training company that focuses on helping realtors really take their game to that next level of performance.

And this is exactly what we're talking about in our coaching sessions right now.

I just want to talk about these three things I think are super important.

1. I really believe this is we need to increase our face-to-face meetings. I mean, with COVID and everything that's happened, all the zoom calls.?

People are feeling disconnected.

They're feeling lonely.

They're filling a need to connect with people.

And I think now more than ever is our opportunity as real estate agents to connect with our database, to see where they're at in life, how things are going, really dig a little bit deeper than just kind of surface conversation.

And if you can do that, I know it's going to really help with sales as well, because you're going to be able to, be in a better position to serve those people, whether they're buying, selling, upsizing, downsizing, whatever.

2. Focus on bigger relationships.

What do I mean by that?

You've probably seen other videos where we talk about like who's in the front row of your life? And how do you actually increase your business without maybe spending more time or more money?

Well, one of the things you can do is focus as you go through your database on people that can refer you multiple deals or that can influence other people or who have the ability to refer you just more potential deals.

And so this particular concept is super important.

A lot of times we look at our database and we just go through it. And we think of everybody as equal in the database from business standpoint. I mean, not from a personal standpoint, but from a business standpoint. And we tend to treat those people all the same in our marketing.

And so if we can focus in on the people who say have bigger relationships or have maybe influence other people in a bigger way, who can give us more referrals to more people. That's a really good use of our time.

So that's the second thing you can do is focus on those bigger relationships.

3. Measure, improve and really work on your marketing plan. A lot of people like to put their marketing plan in place at the beginning of the year.

I like to do it in Q4 because I like to measure, how did I do?

What worked? What didn't?

What can I improve on? Put those wheels in motion in Q4, so that as you head into 2022, you're all set from a marketing standpoint to continually improve and up your game.

Hopefully, these three things really help, focusing on those bigger relationships, focusing and measuring and improving on your marketing plan.

And then that last one, really increasing face to face meetings.

I can't stress that enough.

You do that.

You're going to definitely have a better year next year, and you're going to finish the year strong.

Thanks for reading this post and we will see you in the next one.

Focus on bigger relationships.

Now, what do I mean by that? You've probably seen other videos where we talk about like who's in the front row of your life?

And how do you actually increase your business without maybe spending more time or more money?

Well, one of the things you can do is focus as you go through your database on people that can refer you multiple deals or that can influence other people or who have the ability to refer you just more potential deals.

And so this particular concept is super important.

A lot of times we look at our database and we just go through it. And we think of everybody as equal in the database from business standpoint.

I mean, not from a personal standpoint, but from a business standpoint. And we tend to treat those people all the same in our marketing.

And so if we can focus in on the people who say have bigger relationships or have maybe influence other people in a bigger way, who can give us more referrals to more people.

That's a really good use of our time.


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