How to finesse the machine like No Limit, and change the GAME 4 indie's
In 1996 No Limit was destroying the content battlefield with their product. While in the Navy in San Diego I took notice ang thought how could I get in the GAME and win like them?

How to finesse the machine like No Limit, and change the GAME 4 indie's

Have you ever heard the quote "Poduct outweighs talent" before?

The $100 bill has actually become the most widely global used bill in circulation since 2017 according to this Pew Research study. Thanks to technology we now conduct money transctions within the machine construct. There is a new trend on how to "Keep it 100" though. Just ask Drake about the many faces of Ben Franklin. A gift from his barber recently. Here is my story of keeping it 100 with the GAME.

Ask yourself this too please. Do you think it's more productive 4 one guy to do 100% of the creating, or 10 unified guys doing 10% of the combined creating? Either way WE will Keep it 100. Right?

Does it appear that cash money might actually be making a comeback in the GAME? Indie creators like West Coast would definitely say yes. Especially after you learn how to leverage your GAME like he has on the internet-of-things. Not the actual label though.

Transmuting his unique talents in the GAME into cash. Then about a year later we hooked up with Stacheman in the process to build a mastermind within this Voltron Holacracy never heard of until now.

West Coast Cowboy with Cowboys Unifier at the LAX Tailgate 2018 playoff GAME

West Coast and I attended both playoff games in Dallas, and then on his home turf in LA in 2019. Did I mention how hard it is to keep up with West Coast? Dak boy moves in the GAME construct like no other. An Instagram fan 4rom the culture poses with us at Hoover Park in LA at Rams tailgate with SDCFC.

Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was only 1 of 2 non presidents featured on paper money? Why might you ask? The $100 bill also features the only non governnment building on any bill featuring Independence Hall located in Philadelphia. I can hear Cowboys fans now. Keep your enemie close, and your friends brand logos in your pockets.

Big Ben played a key role in building the nation. He was the most important founding father, he was the oldest and the one who had contributed the most to the cause of independence.

Alexander Hamilton was actually on the $10 bill. Alexander was the first Secretary of the Treasury from 1789 to 1795 under George Washington and he is credited as the architect of the US economic system. It wont be hard to do the math at the end of this equation.

Drake's barber gifts him the many faces of Benjamin Franklin with celebrity faces on the 100 dollar bill

"The Many Faces of Benjamin Franklin," a gift to rapper Drake from his tattoo artist, Inal Bersekov, is shown in a handout photo. (THE CANADIAN PRESS/HO, Inal Bersekov) David Friend

Maybe you have heard of the term C-Note before? The NFL is actually celebrating it's 100 years of business, or a "C"entury since it's establishment. The C actually comes from the roman numeral number 100 in C-Note. Even the terminolgy of money transforms with culture.

The music industry GAME was not constructed 4 indie artist's. That's why many of the creators you see me align with here actually have "Indepedence" in common. Getting credit where it's due is very important to me. This is how we can learn about the impact Percy Miller AKA Master P had on the rap GAME, By keeping it 100 for the indie artist's and creators.

Percy Miller AKA Master P quote on SiriusXM

Master P continues to be a pioneer as the first independent artist successfully displaying his "Finesse" GAME of the machine itself 4 us all to recognize. I often talk about the Pareto Theory with creators in their building stages. If you heard about the 80/20 rule he pioneered that enumeration in the sense of the rap industry that he help construct 4 others with others.

In the spirit of Keeping it 100 in the GAME it's actually better to create something that 100 people really love, than to create something that 1,000,000 people like. Checks over stripes. Percy's quote "Product outwieghs talent" actually motivated me to start writing my book before the edn of this year.

If content is King then cash is it's Queen. Flood the market with dope content, and secure the bag in the GAME. Master P is a true Internet Kingpin in every sense of the word.

The goal should always be to create uniqu evergreen content. Not that #shitforclickandlikes that we see all over social media. Like just reposting other people's content for views. When your content stand's the test of time it will inspire new creators like Megan Thee Stallion to break you off something in the music GAME to pay homage in return. Remember the cassette tape? This provided the much need inspiration 4 this week.

TRU NO Limit Mater P, Percy Miller
"Get you some product if you want to be successful. Product outweighs talent. We went from rap-snacks to rap-noodles. God is good. Start small and build." 
~Master P

How to construct a mastermind through specialized knowledge

Master P's approach to the GAME was to leverage the opportunity in front of him and put his whole damn city on. When it comes to this Dallas Cowboys culture I feel a few of us are positioned to literally construct our own similar content industy. I will have to enlist the help of others in the process however along with your monetary support.

When I first started out my Facebook group in 2016 I discovered West Coast in his driver seat going Facebook Live with his glasses on, and pen and paper sharing his notes with his audience while at Dallas Cowboys training camp in Oxnard, CA.

Little did I know he had been constructing in the GAME since 2014 with his brilliant S.C.O.U.T. concept. He too is also a differnet kind of brother. An Air Force veteran who served overseas.

I immediately added him to my group because I understood the value of his content and unique personality. Plus I wanted more myself because he was literally giving away 4REE GAME via his handle. Dallas Cowboys Scouting. If you know, you know.

West Coast Cowboys business brand logo and design

When you get passionate about a thing then find another on the same mental level of the GAME you want to build with them if the chemistry is right. About a year later in my group our discussions begin behind our passions. Now he's what I dub the "Soulja Boy Effect."

There came a point in my vision I had to either compete with everyone online, or learn how to build with everyone online. I truly believe there is strength in numbers. This will be instrumental in the construction of the world's largest "Word Of Mouth Marekting" network of handles.

Now his Live shows on Facebook are done in combination with his very own version of himself named Boss Cowboy located in DFW. Between the 2 of them they have garnered millions of views with my OAT logo prominently displayed 4 all to see as they break down the GAME like no other show on the internet. The GAME is to be sold not told.

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West Coast and I both were awarded by Star Status Cowboys Connection President "Cowboy Kev" Kevin Harris of Los Angeles during his 4th annual fan club round up in Arlington at the 2018 home opener. This was a first for all 3 of us. History.

After encouraging him to become a "Paid Cowboys Fan" on the internet he finally set up his Patreon, and migrated over to Instagram and YouTube more with his dope content. His concept is taking off this season to new levels as a result. My vision to take over the GAME in 2020 is right on schedule ever since 2016 thanks to our combined efforts. Just like Master P exhibited that it was important to share 4REE GAME with those in his mastermind, so do WE.

Thanks to all the seeds that were sown into my Facebook group over the last 3 years they now begin to bear beautiful fruit. Master P and his mastermind planted so many seeds that his mastermind is still reaping off it's content mutation harvest. West Coast has sown seeds all over the country's soil as the most traveled independent creator in the GAME.

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How fitting of this front page news on the shoulders of draft pick Connor Williams. West Coast and also the Borracho Tailgaters Presdient Alex Davila, also a military veteran on the floor 4 the NFL draft 2018. Left and right shoulders respectively.

The back story between us three should have actually had me in WC place. Want to know how that actaully happened? Watch this video where this all started this summer while carpooling to work one day.

Back then they did'nt want me, now I'm HOT they all on me

I never had a brother growing up. I was the only child from age eleven. My sister Cheryl died of a rhuematic heart condition in 1985 on the surgery table. Shortly after my uncle Billy from Cedar Park took us all three to my first ever Dallas Cowboys game against the "Superbowl Shuffle" Bears to cheer us up. We lost 44-0. The power of the number 11.

I was fortunate to construct many brotherhoods through my military service. Now within the Cowboys construct I have found a handful of handles I can actually call in case of an emergency. Kevin on the other hand who I have personally named the group's "JOAT" for various reasons.

Stacheman SuperFan of Dallas OAT Admin and 1 of 3 mastermind brains behind OAT

Stacheman is simply a fucking "Jack Of All Trades". Every great mastermind requires one. However he literally has blazed a competitive fire through my ranks. To the point we broke up just to make up within 48 hours recently. Through trials and adversity a bond of 2 now has actually become three.

As a leader it's very important to know that men will gladly dedicate and sacrifice their time towards a branded vision when their efforts are effectively rewarded and recognized. The beautiful thing is it is all fluid. What Boss Cowboy dubs a "Voltron Holacracy." Don't get it twisted however, there is a reason I slang the number 4 in between my lines of dope.

First ever global Dallas Cowboys fan base holacracy in 2019 season opener in Arlington TX at an AIRBNB

Had I ever had a brother Stacheman would be him. 4 those who don't know he unified a number of super fans in Frisco the night before the NFL Draft in Arlington 2018. He invited me to stay with him and his family at his home in Little Elm, TX.

Where Cole Beasely actually played high school football. How he managed to never run into him in his own community in that time is absolutely bewildering. Long story.

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How to constuct a Concrete Cowboy: 4rom left to right. Wreking Ball, West Coast, Stachamen, JoJo kneeling, Slim One Blue, Terry Cox AKA "Money Man" and Cheef of the Hard Hittahz with a customary pound.

Documenting our fan base on servers is now imperative 4 me. Stacheman actually had a job interview that landed him a job behind an organic Google search of him when asked what he did 4 fun during his off time.

It's important not only 4 the story of it all. But 4 each member who contributes to it. The NFL rakes in our hard earned money annually. It's time we finesse they ass back, and put some $100 bills back in our fan base pockets. What I like to call at one point in my journey #3 types of Cowboys fans putting in work 4 the GAME.

Stacheman with Sherman Wiliams, Lincoln Coleman, and Kenneth Gant Supebowl Championship style.

It's very divine at this point that now as I wrap this chhapter up the week before he launches his first ever Tailgreeter event that will literally change the NFL fan base landscape in the coming years. He's actually driving 2 Cowboys Super Bowl champions from Frsico to Chicago for the event. The fucking "JOAT" man I'm so glad we are brothers, and you're on my team. If only I had been there to experience Chicago with you like a brother. God's plan.

During his stay he personally gifted me a piece of Texas Stadium astro turf that was taken up near the locker room of where the team would enter in and out. God really showed me the divine steps he is guiding me upon. What this gift means to me and the legacy of what we are both constructing just soldifies our motto of #builtbyfansforfans

The Game Changers official business logo located in Puyallup, WA

The GAME is to be sold

Very few people have ever heard of a "Paid Cowboys Fan" by word of mouth until now. I can assure you there are not only hundreds, but thousand of dollars exchanging in small business with entreprenurial Cowboys fans within this Voltron Holacracy. These are 2 men I consider business Cowboys brothers in the GAME. Thank's to Momma Cowboys.

Even Ms Carolyn Price, the Dallas Cowboys #1 Fan understood this about the GAME. After reading her book, and initially meeting her first in 2017. I now want to thank her 4 creating the "Blue Print" 4 fans like myself, and others to draw not only inspiration 4rom but understanding 4rom.

Barry Gipson getting his book "Priceless Dream" autographed by the Dallas Cowboys #1 Fan Ms Carolyn Price at the NFL draft in 2018

We all have the power to change our future like P says. Do I consider myslef like P in this situation? You damn right I do. Without researching their stories collectively, and understanding their creative process of transmutational content into cold hard cash I would not have been able to see this word of mouth marketing vision as a result.

I do know there is strength in numbers. There is not a day that goes by that I'm not thankful for these types of relationhips I've built with these men. They have been the foundation of a newfound strength to create more products. Because product outweighs talent.

We are all 3 founding fathers of an infant industry that many frauds are profiting off our fans from in the GAME. As defenders of this fan base in addition it's your duty to build with us through your monetary support. Like I actually did with Ms Price and her book above. When you click that link, and buy you're now helping 2 paid Cowboys fans. Get to know the woman, not just the fan.

Priceless Dream a book by Ms Carolyn Price the Dallas Cowboys #1 fan

Let's just keep it Ben Franklin shall we? Keep it 100. West Coast is likely your favorite player in the GAME solely because of his ambition and vision. You may not want to admit it though 4 now. The longest tenured influencer I know of on social media rooted in the nation doing this shit 4 the culture. Including Stacheman and others within OAT. None of us where actaully born before 1960 so Ms Price is in a category of her own. Without her in the story there is no story.

Putting money in the actual pockets of Cowboys players at events is how a real player approaches their GAME plan. Not at home on your phone or computer behind a screen claiming to be the GOAT like I was in 2016 before I knew the rules to the social media GAME. Get out the house and into the GAME.

West Coast Cowboy is the founding father of the Dallas Cowboys social media movement. Just keep it 100!

The real comparison here is that 2 men's faces were printed on money that were not actual president's. I've always lived by the principle I would rather have 10 people doing 10% of the creating rather than 1 guy doing 100% of the creating. The war of attrition in business.

Just as important as Hamilton has been to the US economy I know 4 a fact that Stacheman is about to seriously dent the NFL fan base economy with Tailgreeter as a paid Cowboys fan. Just one of his many sponsors. Tailgreeter actually made Stacheman their brand National Recruiter for affiliates.

Are you 1 of the 10 that will contribute tyour efforts to Keep it 100 with us at every tailga

Stacheman is the JOAT of OAT and his effort in the game is alaways a 10!

All good things must come to an end?

As we all 3 head into 2020 with a Clear Eye View nect year this blue-sky thinking strategy is the limit. In addition, heading into year 4 with my OAT case study will definitely lead us into bigger and better opportunities thanks to the expansion of our mastermind.

Things are just starteing to reall heat up here. As one chapter closes another one opens. As the NFL Draft is set 4 Las Vegas in April along with the Cannibus Convention 4/20 style days before a perfect storm is actually brewing in Sin City.

Once the legalization of gambling and Cannibis are levereged into the NFL busniess model on the internet of things it might be too late 4 us. I encourage every entrepreneur to begin looking at Vegas just like the NFL has. It's de facto nucleus. Get a brick and mortar there now! Many millionaires will reap the seeds sown into this budding infancy industry in time.

Ricky Williams comments on olde people and how they view cannibis

Since retiring from the Navy in 2016 building these new healthy realtionships with men like West Coast and Stacheman has actually helped significanlty with my depression. Becoming ultra passionate about a thing can be a good or bad thing. Balance is the virtual key. Try not to "Man up" and hold it in when you need to talk, reach out and talk to a brother. It's much easier this way take it 4rom experience here please.

Having a 24 month written down plan to construct the ultimate Word of Mouth Marketing organic engine the world has ever seen will require even more time, and sacrifice from us all. For us 3 independent creators there is actually No Limit to the level we can finesse cold hard cash from the machine. By simply Keeping It 100.

Money will exchange hands wether through a digital or a 2 hand transaction. Now we understand their importance of the 4REE GAME given here. During this time now creators like all 3 of us will be placing our emphasis on products to outweigh our talents. You can catch me on the corner of Linkedin and Microsoft ST in Washington state.

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Are you a veteran that either has, or have had suicidal thoughts like me? Please call here. I know exactly how you feel because I 'm there with you right now. Just remember, Life is...... Too Short. Sharing your story could save 1 life in the process.


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