How to Find Yourself After Being Laid OFF or Fired From Job

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 The year 2021 came up with new challenges while leaving behind fears, worries, and failures. My company lay off me on the 1st day of the year (Hurrah), where I have been working my ass off, taking extreme stress, and being called for not meeting deadlines and mistakes. Ok Ok! They sent me on vacations to take rest and rejuvenate my energies and thoughts once again and I would be able to generate extraordinary texts that would grab the audience to buy their products at a glance once again. Well, it would be possible or not I am not so sure…  Surprisingly after knowing this, I didn’t get emotional or undermined by deep depression, decided to be more focused on my health (on my brother’s advice) and enhance my SKILLS instead. One of my close friends suggested a new idea to ‘Find Yourself’ and this idea hit me hard--- like really hard. Therefore, I watched videos and read articles on this topic. Finally, I am educated enough to write about it and my piece of writing can guide newbies later.

Often we hear this sentence, I want to take an off from whatever chores and heading to find myself in the Himalayan Mountains, or I am being excommunicated from the world to be a Monk to find myself, or I am going to end this meaningless relationship to find myself and so on. These people successfully reach an end or not but, they leave plenty of queries behind. One of the most important questions among them is ‘How do you define Finding Yourself?’

What is meant by How to Find Yourself?

Find yourself is basically finding the meaning of your own life. It is just creating certain goals often achievable in life, redefining values, make a plan how to attain something you have always desired, or to find those passions that can give real meaning to your life, without causing unnecessary drama.

Finding oneself can be the most adventurous and exciting experience for someone. Following are most important to keep an eye on for finding yourself again once you’re lost.

1 Make Peace With Your Past 

Forget past experiences are the most difficult task ever for the human being. We all run by our emotions and respond accordingly. But there’s a time when we realize that this is the time to let go of things and for our peace; let’s make a settlement with our past. 

  • Stop reflecting on your past and forgive and forget whatever bad happened to you. Delete, block, unfollow, and stop meeting people who discuss or keep    you connected from your past. In simple words, cut the negativity and all those people or things that disturb you and drag you towards overthinking.
  • Be Quiet and evaluate yourself. There’s no need to be horrified about being alone. Just know it will lead you to discover your true self good or bad.

2  Seek Meaning of Your Precious Life 

The lack of meaning and purpose in our life make us feel our existence is unbearable and worthless. The meaning of life distinguishes us from others and makes us happy. Set your goal and write them down somewhere without sharing them with anyone. Remember that happier people have a more clear purpose and clearer goals that take them beyond their life. 

3  Redefine What Your Wants & Needs 

Most people are Negative Thinkers- precisely. So redefining what you exactly want and what is important to you plays an essential role in finding yourself. The answers to these questions make you feel uncomfortable or embarrassed but, embracing yourself and accepting your choices are ahead to love yourself while feeling joyful and a sense of fulfillment. Make a list of your priorities and jot down your wants and needs in your life or at least for the next five years.

4 Recognize Your True Strengths and Weaknesses

The most difficult task is to realize and comprehend your real strengths and weakness. Decide whether to quit something or not. You might choose an option to quit what you have been doing for years or to polish your already existing skills. If you quit, remember that you’re quitting for the greater good and making room for new things to be learned in life. The way I decided to polish and learn new things about content writing and get myself enrolled in a content marketing course for deep and better understanding. You might realize that this is the perfect time to pursue your passion and make your dreams come true. Focus on your insights and learn about your strengths to know exactly who you are.

5 Calm Your Inner Critic Down 

At some point in life, we started thinking we are not good enough, or won’t achieve certain goals and criticize ourselves which leads us to the great destruction of our overall personality. This attitude also attracts others to criticize us. Eventually, we stop trying and creating efforts to make ourselves better than disturb our performance in personal and work life. These vacations are ideal to calm your inner critic down and high your morale. Just take full control over your internal enemy and make peace with yourself. Tell yourself you’re perfect in something you’re passionate about and able to perform certain tasks better than others if you will get a chance to prove yourself.  

6 Value Relationships

Family defines who we are but friendship is a support system that helps us to live in this world. While finding yourself, go to the people who acknowledge you in your skin. Reunite with the friends who value you and give you constructive feedback on your choices. Get out and try all those places you always like visiting. Discover a new hobby and share your ideas with them. Learn to accept the critique and an acceptable reaction while responding to someone who gives negative feedback on your work. Be real to them because they know real you--the way know yourself!

Point to Ponder

Find yourself is a journey of your evaluation. It needs focus, time, energy, and constant efforts to be better than ever before. Once you know yourself, you become bigger than your inner fears and more focused to achieve the goals that can be beneficial for not only you but, people related to you in the world.

So, if you’re denying your thoughts or constantly thinking about finding yourself, start working on it today and let me know how much my article helped you for this purpose in the comments below. 

Marryam Hassan Qureshi ?

Muhammad Tayyab Yaqub

Master Trainer British Council, Pakistan, Cambridge CELTA Certified.

3 年

Masha Allah , an excellent piece of writing to motivate many people who are either depressed or thinking that they can do nothing. Professional life is never easy, sometimes we get disappointed but we have to cope with all the situations in a positive manner. Reading motivational stories, listening to the motivational speakers can help us. Most important is to have a realistic appraoach regarding our potentials, strengths and areas of improvement.


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