How To Find Your Purpose
Linda Lange
Change & Energy Coach ??Learn how to make the right changes in your life to feel joyful & energized again
Are you searching for your purpose in life? Or do you have already one that inspires you to get out of bed in the morning? Whichever person you are, I am sharing with you the ultimate purpose of us humans, the reason we are on this earth.
If you have not found your purpose yet or don’t know if you actually need one then learning this helps you to have more clarity.
And if you have already a purpose you can sense check it against what I am telling you today. Make sure that your purpose ticks all the boxes of the ultimate purpose of your existence in this 3D reality.
Searching for your life purpose can be tiring
The expression “life purpose” can cost us a lot of time and energy. The nagging thoughts of what our purpose is and why we don’t seem to find the right one that really sparks our inspiration. The knot in our stomach or throat when we hear others talk about their inspirational purposes of healing the world and saving nature. I’ve been like that in the past, so I fully understand it.
If you want to know what my purpose was previously as my old self check out episode 46 where I share all of it with you.
Now, the moment to stop wasting your time and energy on wondering and searching is here. After this, you’ve learned the ultimate purpose of us humans and with that knowing you can finally define your purpose with so much more ease and inspiration.
There is not just one purpose for each of us
And don’t worry. If you feel weird about defining a life purpose with the idea of never being able to change it again – that’s not going to be the case. This is not necessary and can be even counterproductive depending on your personality. You either are a person that thrives from having one life purpose or you are someone that needs fluidity in this area. And that is absolutely possible and wanted if this is your style of expressing your gifts.
By understanding the ultimate purpose for you and all of us, you can keep reevaluating your purpose and adjust it when you feel like it. That’s the beauty of this all. You can fulfil 100 different purposes in your lifetime if they are aligned to the one that we are here to fulfil on this earth. That’s how unique the phrase life purpose can be for all of us. Isn’t that amazing?
That by itself means you can breathe more freely and relax. Let go of any notions of disparity and frustration. You are right now here to learn this. This is coming into your life right now at the right time, not earlier and not later. You are exactly where you are supposed to be at this moment in time. So breathe and relax.
The ultimate purpose of us humans
Let me share with you the ultimate purpose of us humans:
Our purpose is to experience life and while doing it enjoy ourselves and feel good. We decided to incarnate into this particular life to learn certain lessons and to experience what life has to offer in this dimension. And while we do it be as much as possible in the flow, enjoy ourselves and love, love, love.
Love what we do. Love the people that we surround ourselves with. And most importantly love ourselves.
This looks different to each of us?
Now, this can sound too general for you. But that’s what it’s supposed to be. For every one of us bringing this purpose to life looks different. What if we all had the same purpose – the world could not function. Not every fruit or vegetable looks the same, tastes the same, has the same nutrition and provides us with the same energy when we eat it. That applies to us humans. Every single person has a different purpose based on our preferences, our talents, our likes and dislikes, our life experiences, and our heritage. Every facet that makes us so unique makes our purpose in life unique. We are one puzzle piece that makes up the masterpiece of humanity.
But we are just a puzzle piece that fits if we live aligned to the ultimate purpose. We help elevate the human experience and contribute to the world’s energy and frequency if we are in our best energy and frequency.
What it looks like to live out of alignment
Let me explain this more by sharing examples of when we are not in our best energy and not living aligned with the ultimate purpose:
Being in alignment with what brings us joy
There are many small and big ways we can be out of alignment with the ultimate purpose. And as long as we are out of alignment with that one big purpose, we can never really fulfil our purpose on this earth.
You can think that you are fulfilling your purpose and doing good for the world, nature or humanity. But all the universe, god, your higher self or whatever you want to call it wants from you is for you to enjoy yourself. So if your current purpose is not fulfilling you and bringing you joy, then you are not in alignment with the ultimate purpose. Makes sense, right?
So many choices to fulfil the ultimate purpose
Now that you learned the ultimate purpose of us humans, can you see how many choices you have to fulfil on it? You do not have to find the one holy grail of purpose. There are many ways that you can fulfil this purpose. You don’t have to save the world, heal every ill person on the planet and bring back animal species from distinction.
You can fulfil the human purpose by tending to your garden, by caring for children by working in the local kindergarten, or by being the CEO of a global company. As long as you are experiencing life and enjoying yourself by doing it, you are living your purpose.
Find guidance to your purpose in the New You 7-Day Journey
So what does it mean for you if you are currently not enjoying the life you experience? That you want to change something, right? I will go more into this topic and the steps for you to take in my free 7-day course called New You. It’s a 7-day journey for you to discover the next steps to take to fulfil more of your life’s purpose.
We begin this journey together at the beginning of January 2024 for the first time. And when you read this at a later date, you can sign up and start the 7-day journey today.