I was reading a book called, “The Four Agreements” by Don Miguel Ruiz, which spoke about the way our beliefs have been distorted by our family, friends, and society because we have been domesticated just like we domesticate animals by rewarding them when they do something we think is good and punishing them when they do something we think it bad. That then forces us to act and think a certain way and believing whatever our parents or society told us is the right thing; we take it to be the right thing even if it is not and whatever they taught us to be wrong, we believe it to be wrong.  By doing that we discard our self beliefs and rely on our parents and societal beliefs.

As I was reading this book, I started reflecting on my own life, and on some of my beliefs, and the way I was brought up in a very authoritarian way, where you dare not question your elders. You do whatever they ask of you to do. whatever they told me as right or wrong I accepted it even though I may not have agreed with them. As I kept thinking, I realized that I wasn’t the only one brought up this way, mine might have been straight forward and direct whereas yours was probably subtly. Which might even come from some books you read or some comments made by your parents, relatives, teachers, etc.

And then I realized that the statement that people often make about perfection. We often hear that there is no perfection and we should stop chasing perfection. Well, I’m here today to tell you to discard that statement because there is perfection.   

There is perfection and there has always been perfection, we just couldn’t see it that’s all. That perfection is right inside each of us. Keep reading and you will find out why.

       When we were growing up as kids, we didn’t care about how we look or talk or do anything. We didn’t feel inferior about our skin colour, our heights, our weight, or our hair, etc. I never remembered one time that I said to myself I’m too dark or too fat or too ugly. I was very confident because I thought I was perfect and I didn't look at other people as being otherwise. Example. I use to think that I was the fastest runner during track and field in high school. Even when I came in second or third I didn’t change that belief and that kept me going strong, but as I was grewing older, people changed that belief. They starting telling me that someone was faster than me and I began to focus on the fact that someone may be faster than me; this took my focus away from believing that I was the best and as I focus on that, it changed my belief system and that belief system probably made me worse off, than better off. This is an example of how the false belief of imperfection was also created.

Kids are often bold and confident because they believe that they are perfect and never think about what adults consider a weakness. But, as they grow up, they lose that boldness and confidence because adults started pointing out to them and telling them that they are inadequate and as we do that, they began to think more about those weaknesses than their strengths. This is where the insecurity begins.

Before the insecurities, we believed we were perfect and that helped keep us bold and confident. We didn’t care about anything and we didn’t judge anyone because we also believed they were perfect too.

But as we grow up, we start hearing what adults say about others and about themselves. In other words, adults defined what beauty look like, what pretty should look like, what ugly should look like, how an  educated person should act, how non-educated person should act, etc. Some of the adults even took it upon themselves to teach us those things. As they taught us those things we slowly began to drop what we believed and take in what they are teaching us. Eventually, we completely forgot about our own beliefs, especially the beliefs of perfection, the care free attitude, and took on the adult beliefs that we are not perfect, and that we should all be aware that we are defected one way or another. You will hear people say "No one is perfect or I am not perfect" This is a false belief that someone has implanted in you. You are perfect.

In other words, the beliefs that we all have in us now are man made beliefs. Example, the believe that your race is better than others or that your color is better than other color is not true, our colors and races are all beautifully perfect. So, stop treating other bad because of your false sense of superiority, we are all superior. just like Don Miguel Ruiz pointed out.

This false belief of imperfection that we have created; creates insecurity whenever we don’t measure up to the man made beliefs or look of perfection. We know we would never measure up to that beliefs/look because they are man made and they are a collection of different adults beliefs that can’t be accomplished. So how can one person measure up to it?

        Our beliefs were meant to be individual, that is why no two people are ever the same, which means we can all be uniquely perfect individually; if we stop comparing ourselves to others. Everyone is perfect in their own way, so if you are trying to look like any model or body builder it is like you are chasing the wind. You can’t catch it and if you don’t catch it you will start feeling insecure and inadequate.  

Because we were all born naturally with our different sets of beliefs, we feel bad whenever anyone makes any negative comment about us or tells us that we won’t amount to anything. Why? Because we have two beliefs fighting each other. There is the perfect belief we were born with, that is constantly telling us we can do anything and be anything, and then there is the man made belief, that we have just learned which is telling us that we lack something and thus, can’t do most things. Wherever there is conflict, there will be no rest. So, we are constantly and restlessly running around trying to find those things that will make us happy when we already have those things inside of us; it just depends on us now to start unlearning those man made beliefs and embrace our natural born beliefs. I know it not going to be easy but we ought to start trying.

     Lastly, for those who believe in God. We say God made us in his own image, but then why don’t we believe that we are perfect? If God made us in his own image, and God is perfect, then we must all be perfect because a film negative cannot produce an incomplete picture unless there’s a defect or malfunction with the machine. For example, if you take a picture in your camera and everything looks perfect just the way you want it, so you are expecting that when you print the picture out it should come out just as perfect as it looked in the camera. Now if the picture didn’t come out as perfect as expected, then there must be malfunction. It could be the ink, the paper or whatever is used in printing the picture. Therefore, if we think we are not perfect, then it not God’s fault but our fault because as far as I’m concern God is perfect which means we are perfect because we are his image.

Thus, I say to you starting from today, you can put perfect back in your dictionary and your vocabulary in bold because you represent PERFECTION.

You know from today that inside you lies a giant perfection that is unmeasurable or incomprehensible by anyone else but you. Don’t even waste your time trying to explain to people how perfect you are because they might not see it and will end up arguing with you. Just know that you are PERFECT and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.  



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