How to find your “perfect match” using numerology

How to find your “perfect match” using numerology






“Just for Fun” Spoof By VIKRAM KARVE


Most people say that my Wife and Me are the most incompatible couple they have ever met.

Many of our friends and relatives wonder how we have managed to stay married and live together for more than 40 years.


(We were married on 30 May 1982 and are married for 40 Years 4 Months and 19 days)


Even our children are surprised as to how two individuals with such contrasting temperaments can remain together for so long.

The fact that my Wife and Me have lived together for more than 40 years implies that — though outwardly — we may not seem so compatible with each other — inwardly — there must be some “mysterious hidden compatibility” between me and my wife.




Sometimes — you have a fact of life before you that defies rational logic.

For example — how have we (wife and me) remained married for more than 40 years — whereas — logically — a terribly incompatible couple like us should have split-up and divorced long back.

My long years as an engineer have taught me that — if you unable to understand a phenomenon that defies logic — you have to work backwards — and you must try to find some reason to substantiate and “validate” this incomprehensible fact — and try to justify the “inconsistency”.

I call this reverse logic — or — “ex post facto” justification.




As I said — we — my Wife and Me — we are a terribly incompatible couple.

Yet — our marriage has lasted for so long.

Therefore — I had to find some reason for this mystery.




That is why I took solace in numerology.

And — hey presto:

I was able to “prove” that we — my wife and Me — are indeed “compatible”.

(at least on paper)




Dear Reader:

Have a look at the Pythagorean Numerology Table below:


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Now — let us use this Pythagorean Numerological Table.


Let’s calculate the numerological value of my name VIKRAM

(4+9+2+9+1+4 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2)

My numerological value is 2


Now — let’s compute the numerological value of my wife’s name POORNIMA

(7+6+6+9+5+9+4+1 = 47 = 4+7 = 11 = 1+1 = 2)

Hey — my wife’s numerological value is also 2


The numerological values of both our names is the same.

My number is 2

My wife’s number is also 2

It is a “Perfect Match”.

No wonder we are such a “perfect match” — at least from the numerology point of view.

We may be “qualitatively” mismatched — but — “quantitatively” (numerologically) — we are a “perfect match”.

So now — we can “justify” our long married life.






Are you married…?

Are you planning to get married…?

Are you in love…?

Are you in a relationship..,?

Are you dating someone..,?

Are you thinking of getting into a relationship with someone…?

Just check out your “mutual numerological compatibility”.


So — Dear Reader:

Now you know what to do on your first date now — don’t you…?

Maybe — it is a good idea to have some fun.

Check out your numerological compatibility — with your spouse — your dating partner — your friends — your loved ones — your boss — your colleagues — or anyone — with whom you are planning a close relationship.

Just use the simple Pythagorean Numerology Table above — and compute the numerological value of your names — and see if they match.




If you have a “perfect match” — it’s great.

But suppose — you do not have a “perfect match”.

No problem.

Don’t worry if your numerological values are not identical (perfect match).

You can always hope for harmony in numerological values.

Even if the numerological values are in harmony (one value divisible by the other) — it is a sign of excellent compatibility.

For example — if the husband’s numerological value is 3 — and — the wife’s value comes out to be a multiple of 3 — like 6 or 9 (or vice versa) — then they are in “harmony”.

So — if you find out that your marriage “rocks” — be happy — tell your spouse and celebrate.

And — if your numerological values just do not match (inharmonious combinations like “2 and 7 — or — “3 and 8” — or4 and 9 etc…) — just don’t worry.

When in doubt — there is no harm in using the means to justify the end.

Try out some other numerology system — like Chaldean, Indian, Arabic, Chinese, Hebrew, African, even Abracadabra — there are so many numerology tables, charts and calculators available.

Keep trying all permutations and combinations — till you “discover” your mutual compatibility.

And then — you can “validate” your marital compatibility — and be happy.

That is the trick scientists do while doing “research”.

You just keep on trying all permutations and combinations — till you find a “justification” for your “hypothesis”.




Dear Reader:

You can easily “discover” your “compatibility” with any person you want to by using this simple numerological method.

Use this technique to convince your loved one about how “mutually compatible” you two are.

Maybe — this will enhance your romance.

Try it with your boss and colleagues too.

Maybe — it will improve interpersonal relationships at work.


But — here is a caveat:

Please don’t use numerology as an excuse to “dump” someone.

Now — that is unethical — and just not done.


And Hey — Dear Reader:

Please don’t take this spoof too seriously.

I told you right at the beginning that all this is just for fun…!!!



Copyright ? Vikram Karve

1. If you share this post, please give due credit to the author Vikram Karve

2. Please DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. Please DO NOT Cut/Copy/Paste this post

? vikram karve., all rights reserved.


1. This article is a fictional spoof, satire, pure fiction, just for fun and humor, no offence is meant to anyone, so take it with a pinch of salt and have a laugh.

2. While you can use numerology for fun — please do your due diligence in real life — since — to the best of my knowledge — numerology has no scientific basis.

3. All stories in this blog are a work of fiction. Events, Places, Settings and Incidents narrated in the story are a figment of my imagination. The characters do not exist and are purely imaginary. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Copyright Notice:

No part of this Blog may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical including photocopying or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the Blog Author Vikram Karve who holds the copyright.

Copyright ? Vikram Karve (All Rights Reserved)

? vikram karve., all rights reserved.

This is a revised and updated version of my article NUMEROLOGY AND COMPATIBILITY first written by me Vikram Karve more than 14 years ago in the year 2008 and posted online earlier by me in my blog at urls: and and and and and and and etc

? vikram karve., all rights reserved.



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