How To Find Your Life Purpose?

How To Find Your Life Purpose?

Many people come to us at Canada Career Counselling to learn about their calling. The thing is, we don’t all experience a call to our life’s purpose. But many of us experience more of a call to adventure, which often leads to a life of purpose.

Famous author Joseph Campbell alludes to this concept in his book The Hero’s Journey. He proposes that this adventure may involve doing different things – like being a grocery store clerk, then starting companies and then transitioning into becoming a landscape architect. The hero’s journey is not about what you do, it’s who you are becoming as you move through your adventure. It will also come wrapped in uncertainty and discomfort, because it may mean moving to a new city with a new life or leaving a relationship without knowing next steps. With the call to adventure there won’t be a sign that says, “Guaranteed dream job that pays lots of money”. Of course, you would go do that if there was! Campbell says, “Your path will start at the darkest, scariest place in the woods.” In other words, your adventure may be masked in doubts and fears but ironically, with a pull towards it.

So instead of looking for your life purpose, make your life purpose to start your adventure, without knowing how it will turn out. That might mean hiring a Career Counsellor to talk about what you’re considering and debriefing the value of what you’ve been doing up until now.

You can’t 100% know how it will turn out on the other side, so all you must do is get yourself to the starting line. Take the first scary step into the unknown.

At Canada Career Counselling we offer an evidence-based process that helps people identify the best fit for a career and help people make an informed decision based on their interests, values, personality, and strengths, but “the call” that leads you to something new doesn’t come from an external source. However we can help you process those fears, and some of the uncertainty you may be grappling with.

So, ask yourself “What is scaring me in this moment now?” and “What am I being pulled towards?” Then take one small step to start the adventure, which might mean booking an appointment for career counselling. Who said you can’t get support on the hero’s journey.


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