How To Be Fearless in Your Pursuit to Find Your Hustle,,

How To Be Fearless in Your Pursuit to Find Your Hustle

In a world filled with overwhelming expectations, finding your hustle is key to happiness, success and personal growth. By knowing your hustle, you understand what gets you up in the morning and what carries you through the difficult days, which contributes to a life of success.

Firstly, having a concrete mindset is imperative to aligning with your passions and motivates you to constantly reach for your personal goals and overcome the obstacles along the way. There are two types of hustlers in the world, hustlers and everyone else. Which one are you?

As I grew up, I was constantly reminded of the quote "hustle beats talent, when talent doesn't hustle" which was a reminder that I need to work harder and smarter than everyone else. As I am a hustler, I know that people like myself operate on different levels physically, emotionally and mentally.

For me, finding my hustle happened over a period of time. Along the journey, I focused holistically on trusting my gut in conjunction with being logical and realistic. "When I say hustler, I’m not talking about someone who does shady business or sells illegal products. I’m talking about someone whose ambition and aspirations line up together. Someone who knows what they want and are willing to make short term sacrifices to get what they want and make sales. Hustlers don’t make excuses when they don’t achieve their goals – they look at the issue square in the eye and accept it as a challenge and an opportunity to improve."

A hustler is willing to hire someone when he needs help.

A hustler is willing to say no to a project when it is not aligned with her vision.

Hustlers value smart work over hard work.

In a day and age where the world seems 'overpopulated' with an abundance of technology, information knowledge and people, we find that the world isn't producing enough hustlers.

Yet, it is hustlers like Elon Musk, Nicolai Tesla, Richard Branson, Gary Vaynerchuk and Oprah Winfrey who shape cultures and industries, create movements and have helped moved society forward.

Below are a few mindsets that differentiate hustlers from the rest of the world:

The Willingness to Die for Their Cause

A hustler is someone who believes in an idea or vision that is bigger than the person they see when they look in the mirror. Hustlers dream and they dream big. Once identifying the dream, hustlers then seek out on a quest to make that dream a reality and leave their mark on the world.

An Intolerance of the Status Quo

Hustlers have a true intolerance for the idea of accepting things as they are. Hustlers refuse to accept the status quo and strive to constantly challenge it.

An Undeniable Love for Their Craft

Hustlers love their craft and are committed to improving themselves and the world around them. Hustlers light up when given the chance to talk about the future they wan to create.

Rejection is Fuel for an Internal Fire

Hustlers accept rejection. In fact, they use rejection to their advantage. It's a humble motivator that drives hustlers to work harder and succeed. Hustlers find their fuel in the non believers, critics and haters.

Willing to Stumble so You Can Rise Back Up

To Succeed, you must be willing to fail. You must be willing to risk everything to achieve your dreams and achieve the life you see for yourself and the world. It is a crazy mindset but one that all hustlers have in common.

What differentiates you from the pack?

Does rejection fire you up?

Are you still trying to find your hustle?

Here are 5 Steps to Finding Your Hustle

  1. Start Right Now
  2. Release Perfection
  3. Brainstorm Freely
  4. Get Involved in Your Community
  5. Take One Action Step Every Day

The differentiating key to all of this is confidence.

Confidence is a trait that can make all the difference to your daily hustle. You go to bed, wake up, and then have to overcome obstacle after obstacle. Confidence is how successful people overcome the daily obstacles. Confidence is what entrepreneurs use to start businesses when no one else believes in their rubbish vision of the future.

To have confidence is not to have an inflated ego, but to be comfortable with who you are.

How do you become confident?

Believe You Can Do Stuff

Confident people believe they can do stuff other people think is too hard.

Be in Control

Confident people stay in control. They take responsibility for their actions and do not blame the outside world.

Do Not Give Up

If you want to be confident, you have to dust off the failure like it's nothing and keep on trying.

Break All The Rules

Rather than follow the rules, confident people break them because they know that their end game will eventually work out.

Forget About Opinions

Do not get lost in other peoples opinions. The moment you over-think an action, you put aside your power to act confidently and give in to fear.

Try Not to React

Confident people are the Zen master of life. Rather than reacting to every negative situation, confident people choose non-reactivity. This is an art taught in meditation.

Have a Tough Conversation

Confident people are not afraid to have a tough conversation. It takes sheer guts to tell someone something you know they are going to hate you for. It's so easy to avoid these conversations and procrastinate on other tasks so that you don't have to be uncomfortable.

Do the Stuff that's Loaded with Fear

Start ticking off the goals you've set for yourself. Get up early and attack your 'to-do' list. Start with the difficult tasks and you'll build confidence in your craft.

Do Not Let Fear Control You

You will only be able to find your hustle if you let go of fear. It is imperative that in order to grasp your hustle and your confidence that you begin to follow your intuition and let go of the fear that stops you.

Fear only acts as a paralyser.

Fear feeds doubt.

Fear kills the plans of Godly ambition within you.

In order to really find your hustle and take advantage of your true potential, you will need to be fearless.

Here are some ways you can let go of fear:

  1. Be Aware of Fear in Your Life - Before you can begin overcoming fear, you have to admit that you have it.
  2. Stare at Fearless People - Fill your brain with images of what you want your “future self” to look like.
  3. Be Objective - Take an interest in investigating your fears.?
  4. Be Willing to Look Stupid - Once you are willing to risk the emotional pain of making mistakes, you will shed more fear than you ever imagined.?
  5. Adopt a Mindset of Gratitude - Whenever you feel fear, try to feel grateful instead.?
  6. Embrace Struggle - To develop our skills, it is a necessity that we struggle, so we must embrace it.
  7. Use Visualisation - Imagine yourself in a scary situation without fear.?
  8. Look Within - What is the root of your fear? Meditate on it. Look inside and ask yourself when the fear started: How far back does your fear go? Did you have an early failure that has stuck with you??Explore it.?That’s what life is all about.

Be Fearless in Your Pursuit to Find Your Hustle.

If you have found this article interesting thus far, you may also like to read a few other articles of mine:

How I Created a Test to Further Enhance My Mind and Focus (pt.1)

Owning our Shadow Self: Unlocking Innovation, Creativity & Intuition

Cognitive Biases that are Warping Our Perception of Reality

Emotional Intelligence, The 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) & Technical Assimilation

How to Operate in a World of Resistance & Obstacles

Mind Shift


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